Recorded Death of Thousands of Babies Released by StatsCan
TORONTO, July 13, 2007 - Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) reacts to the latest statistics from Statistics Canada on abortion. StatsCan today released the information that 100,039 babies were deliberately killed in their mothers' wombs in the year 2004 in Canada. This death toll is added to the nearly three million slaughtered since 1969. There was a slight decline in abortions committed mostly among women in their twenties, StatsCan reported.
"The magnitude of this atrocity appears to be lost on the average person in Canada," said Jim Hughes, National President of CLC. "Canada likes to brag about its human rights record at home and abroad, while it ignores the mounting death toll that it has refused to stop," he continued. "The blood of these innocent babies cries out for justice. We are killing the future of our country. We are already a country which is not replacing itself and we have eliminated more then three million people from our population. We will soon be suffering from a population implosion."
"Statistics are cold numbers but each one of these precious babies not yet born are human beings who were systematically dismembered by doctors and this was paid for by the taxpayers," said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC. "The fact that the numbers are lower among women in their twenties is encouraging, perhaps, but the final figures are staggering," she stated.
Campaign Life Coalition calls on the federal government to enact legislation to protect the right to life for all Canadians from conception (fertilization) until natural death as they were directed by the Supreme Court in 1988.
Fighting for Truth and Justice Campaign Life Coalition is a National Pro-life Organization representing over 100,000 families across Canada
For further information: Media Contacts: Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer, Kingston, (613) 389-4472; Aidan Reid, Director, CLC Public Affairs Office, Ottawa, (613) 729-0379