Press Room

CBC and Facebook project highlights the truth about how people feel about abortion

TORONTO, July 1, 2007 - More than 16,000 people responded to a joint project of the CBC and Facebook asking Canadians to send in their wishes for the Great Canadian Wishlist. The top 30 wishes are published on the CBC webpage. With 9,543 supporters the number one wish is to "Abolish abortion in Canada".
"This should come as no surprise to anyone," said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). "We have always noted and the polls have confirmed that the majority of Canadians want protection for the unborn child. This poll of sorts by the CBC and Facebook only confirms what we have been saying all along," he continued.
"With almost 10,000 people taking the trouble to respond to this request for their opinion, I trust that the CBC will publish this list, highlighting the number one wish for Canada," said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer Campaign Life Coalition. "The politicians must also take note that this is an issue that will not go away until justice for the unborn becomes a reality."

For further information: Media Contact: Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer, CLC, Kingston, ON, (613) 389-4472