Press Room

CLC is pleased with a media report that the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research says their program will not use Embryonic Stem Cell

TORONTO, June 4, 2007 - In a statement in the National Post on Thursday, May 31, 2007, the Ontario Institute for Cancer research, said that "their program will involve stem cells from cancerous tumours - not the controversial embryonic (stem) cells that have led to political tumult because they come from (and destroy) fetuses." (brackets are CLC addition) "We are very pleased that the Cancer Institute will not be funding embryonic stem cell research," said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). "Adult stem cells are proving to be remarkably successful and costly anti-rejection drugs are not needed because the person's own cells are being used. We trust that the Ontario Institute for Cancer research will be successful as it works towards ethical research to save lives and not resort to the use and killing of human embryos," he continued.
"Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is a vocal proponent for the use of embryonic stem cells and we would like to see more assurance that Canadian tax dollars will never be used to support his California embryonic stem cell projects," said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of Campaign Life Coalition.

For further information: Media Contacts: Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer CLC, Kingston, ON, (613) 389-4472; Aidan Reid, Director, CLC Public Affairs Office, Ottawa, (613) 729-0379