Stop Premier Holt's Radical Abortion and LGBT Agenda
Petition to Premier Susan Holt and All MLAs
I believe the government of Premier Susan Holt is putting our province’s women and children at risk by its new health and education policies.
While everyday New Brunswickers must wait for years to secure a family doctor, and while those with medical conditions must wait for weeks or months for necessary procedures, Premier Holt has decided to set her top priority in health care as the abortion of more preborn children.
Within three weeks of winning the election, the Holt government opened up taxpayer funding for private, for-profit abortion clinics. It is also planning for our over-burdened community health care clinics to take on the additional responsibility of providing surgical abortions. With a stroke of a bureaucratic pen, Premier Holt reclassified abortion as “minor surgery” instead of “major surgery”, putting women who experience complications such as hemorrhaging, sepsis, peritonitis, or thrombosis at grave risk when they travel to community clinics that do not have the staff or equipment to deal with these life-or-death issues.
Furthermore, the Holt government has demonstrated disdain for New Brunswick parents and a disregard for our province’s children by its extremist rewriting of Policy 713. Under the revised policy, a child can change his or her name, gender, and pronouns in the classroom without parental consent or knowledge, leaving parents out of the picture in these momentous, life-altering decisions. It is also a recipe for abuse as schools are now directed to keep intimate conversations on sexuality and gender a secret from parents.
In addition, Policy 713 dictates that a biological boy may self-identify as a girl, dominate girls’ sports, and have full, unquestioning access to girls’ locker rooms and washrooms. This will put every girl at risk of bullies and predators within our schools. This policy does not take into account the rights, feelings, dignity, and the security of the person of biological girls. It also does not allow for students, teachers, or other staff and volunteers to question the discredited, unscientific ideology behind Policy 713.
Therefore, I demand that the government of Premier Susan Holt immediately reverse-course on its new health and education policies. Instead, I would urge it to focus on the real, immediate health and education needs of New Brunswickers and stop putting our women and children at risk.