
Protect Canada’s Pregnancy Centres!


TO: Members of Parliament:

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party is one step closer to jeopardizing a vital lifeline of support for Canadian women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy. Do not allow this to happen.

The Liberal government wants to amend the Income Tax Act in order to force all pro-life crisis pregnancy centres (CPCs) to declare if they offer abortions or contraception. If they do not comply, the proposed new legislation would give the Canada Revenue Agency the power to strip the CPCs of their charitable tax-exempt status. This bill is unjust and immoral since it has the potential to increase the number of abortions and therefore violates the rights of God. 

This would deal a devastating financial blow to Canada’s pro-life CPCs, which would no longer be able to issue tax receipts for their donors. So, if the Liberals get their way, scores of CPCs will be at risk of closure because without their charitable status, they won’t be able to survive. Then, of course, you have to consider the negative impact it would have on the thousands of women these entities support, both before and after childbirth.

In effect, if this Liberal bill becomes law, it could potentially take away critical resources from women in a crisis pregnancy – and their babies – preventing them from accessing free infant formula, diapers, housing assistance, and counselling.

Crisis Pregnancy Centres make an invaluable contribution to Canadian society, providing resources, support, supplies, information, and options to women facing an unexpected or challenging pregnancy. The women served by these organizations seek out their assistance freely, and they are never forced into anything.

Without these organizations, women in crisis would have fewer options and fewer supports. In fact, most would feel they have only one choice: abortion. And one choice means no choice at all!

Furthermore, if the Liberal government succeeds in revoking the charitable status of crisis pregnancy centres, what will stop them from introducing a new type of “Liberal Values Test” for other charitable groups, like churches, synagogues, mosques, faith-based schools, camps, soup kitchens, and food banks? If any of these groups holds to a pro-life perspective, they may also be vilified by the Liberal government as “dishonest” organizations and find their charitable tax statuses targeted. 

Do not diminish these vital community supports for women and babies! Do not abandon people in need by threatening the removal of charitable status of CPCs. That is why I am asking you to oppose the Liberal legislation that is unfairly targetting crisis pregnancy centres in Canada.


[ The Undersigned ]

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Jack F. Kitchener, ON
Nov 14, 2024 - 06:12pm
Members of Parliament, don't make yourselves complicit in Trudeau's plot to take formula and diapers away from babies. This cruel and spiteful bill must be defeated.