
No Gender Transitioning of New Brunswick Children Without Parental Consent


We applaud Premier Blaine Higgs for his common sense directive to New Brunswick’s public schools, requiring them to obtain parental consent before teachers can facilitate the sexual transition of their children at school.

The previous provincial Liberal government had banned teachers from giving parental notification or seeking parental consent if a child wanted to use opposite sex names and pronouns at school. Teachers and principipals were urged to facilitate sexual transitions of underage children, and to keep this huge secret from parents, about an incredibly delicate part of the child’s life. How could that possibly end well?

Moms and dad’s know their children best and love them the most!

Children cannot give informed consent

It’s for a very good reason that children are not allowed to drive an automobile, enter into marriage, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, nor even get a tattoo without parental consent!

It is a scientific fact that children’s brains are not developed enough to have good judgment, nor can they properly understand the long-term consequences of life-altering decisions. The prefrontal cortex of the brain – the part which governs judgment – does not fully develop until at least age 21. For this reason, children cannot legally consent.

However, far-left, radical educators want us to believe that a child can choose their gender, and live a double-life from the one they live at home with mom and dad!

Teachers suing to keep New Brunswick parents in the dark

The New Brunswick Federation of Teachers is currently supporting a lawsuit against the PC government of Blaine Higgs, to repeal his parental rights directive, so that teachers can once again keep parents in the dark about what’s happening in the lives of their children. At the same time, the Liberal Party Leader, Susan Holt, has pleged to rescind Premier Higgs' parental rights policy if her party forms government.

Sign the petition to secure parental notification & consent

Premier Higgs must not falter in the face of lawsuits or pressure. New Brunswickers must encourage him to hold the line on parental rights, so please this petition to tell Premier Higs, "I support your government's parental consent policy for the gender transitioning of minors at school, and urge you to fight with all your resources against any lawsuit which seeks to overtone your parental consent policy".


Sign This Petition Now!


Thus far 1 signatories
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Jack F. Kitchener, ON
Jul 13, 2024 - 12:47am
Dear Premier Higgs: Do not throw in the towel over this lawsuit launched against your parental consent policy for schools! Please use every government resource you have to fight the New Brunswick Federation of Teachers, and win!