
Anti-Democracy Louis Riel School Division Trustees Must Resign!


To: Trustees of the LRSD who cancelled Francine Champagne

Whereas, a group of trustees effectively undid the results of a democratic election and circumvented democracy by “un-electing” Trustee Francine Champagne by conducting a persecution campaign of repeat suspensions and vilification until she was forced to resign her seat;

And whereas, in doing so, these trustees robbed LRSD parents and voters of their right to hire, fire or re-hire their elected representatives every four years at election time, as they see fit;

And whereas, Trustees Sandy Nemeth, Chris Sigurdson, Darlene Gerrior, Pamela Kolochuck, Irene Nordheim, Ryan Palmquist, Chipalo Simunyolam, and Cindy Turner disgracefully nullified the results of a democratic election by weaponizing the school district’s Code of Conduct policy against Trustee Champagne in order to silence her and force her out of office;

And whereas, this anti-democratic action by the eight trustees is tantamount to disenfranchising voters, rendering their ballots meaningless, and attacking the very essence of democracy;

And whereas, the only individuals who should be allowed to fire a trustee if they don’t like her job performance are the voters themselves, at the next election;

And whereas, these Trustees were so brazen in their assault on democracy because they wanted to silence a traditionally-principled Trustee who was doing the job her constituents elected her to do, which is to safeguard the school environments of their children and grandchildren, which is being poisoned and the children themselves endangered by indoctrination with Gender Ideology in the classroom;

And whereas these eight trustees forsook their duties as Trustees, when they should have joined Trustee Champagne in calling out Gender Theory brainwashing in public schools, instead of persecuting her for it;

Therefore, we the undersigned, demand that Trustees Sandy Nemeth, Chris Sigurdson, Darlene Gerrior, Pamela Kolochuck, Irene Nordheim, Ryan Palmquist, Chipalo Simunyolam, and Cindy Turner resign immediately from their positions as trustees with the LRSD.


For background info on the Francine Champagne's situation, click here.

For a physical copy of this petition that you can print, sign, and share, click here.


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Thus far 618 signatories
Page 15 of 42
Anonymous Winnipeg, MB
Apr 13, 2024 - 06:44pm
Anonymous Winnipeg , MB
Apr 12, 2024 - 08:20pm
Anonymous Winnipeg , MB
Apr 12, 2024 - 11:23am
Anonymous Winnipeg , MB
Apr 12, 2024 - 10:07am
Anonymous Kleefeld , MB
Apr 12, 2024 - 08:25am
Tolerance is supposed to go both ways
Anonymous Toronto, ON
Apr 11, 2024 - 11:44pm
Marguerite L. Winnipeg, MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 11:06pm
Stop this grooming of young impressionable minds! Wait till these kids are more MATURE!
Anonymous WINNIPEG, MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 10:00pm
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves! The children in our school system are their to be taught properly not be misguided or brainwashed by idiots! What you are teaching is wrong!
Anonymous Winnipeg, MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 09:59pm
Barb F. Winnipeg , MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 08:55pm
Anonymous Winnipeg, MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 05:55pm
Anonymous Winnipeg, MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 03:50pm
Anonymous Winnipeg , MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 03:11pm
Louise P. Winnipeg , MB
Apr 11, 2024 - 02:17pm
Apr 11, 2024 - 11:57am
An elected trustee is a representative of the people, and you as a body of trustees have no right to persecute one of your own in this fashion. Although I do not have children in your district, I never want to see a repeat of this anywhere in Manitoba. What if she represented way more parents than you could possibly imagine?