
Do Not Shut Out Pro-Life Women at the United Nations


Commission on the Status of Women

TO: UN-Women Executive Board

I am asking you to allow the voices of pro-life and pro-family women to be heard at the 67th Commission on the Status of Women. Pro-life and pro-family women are representative of many different religions, cultures, and nations around the world. It is disrespectful and discriminatory to silence their perspectives.

Even now, the gatekeeper responsible for Parallel Events (NGO/CSW NY) is demanding all applicants sign a controversial attestation which appears to be designed to exclude pro-life and pro-family women.

This attestation requires the applicant to acknowledge that “sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism, transphobia, global North domination and other institutionalized forms of oppression exist.” Many of these terms are not defined or are highly debatable. They should not be employed to screen out applicants with varying perspectives.

This attestation requires the applicant to “work actively not to replicate white patriarchal structures.” The term “patriarchal structures” is how some people refer to traditional cultures that uphold distinct roles for men and women. Those who honour and celebrate those roles may not be able to sign this attestation.

As well, this attestation states that “offensive comments related to… gender identity and expression” and “sexual orientation” will not be tolerated. While one should generally avoid offending others, it is impossible to promise to be inoffensive, especially when addressing subjects that are not agreed upon in international policy and law, namely transgenderism and homosexuality. Those who speak on behalf of traditional cultures are inherently offensive to those promoting transgender and homosexual rights, and so this attestation unjustly excludes their voices.

In light of these concerns, and in the hope that you will want to include and welcome women of all religions, cultures, and backgrounds, I ask that you instruct NGO/CSW NY to remove its attestation requirement and permit the inclusion of pro-life and pro-family women in Parallel Events at the 67th Commission on the Status of Women.

Sign This Petition Now!

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(Note: If you choose Yes, CLC will mail a physical postcard, pictured here, in your name, to the petition target(s). You'll be asked to donate $1.75 toward the cost of postage & printing)

Postcard Sample


Thus far 1349 signatories
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John W. Etobicoke, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 12:24pm
Rosalynn T. Kitchener, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 12:02pm
If this Commission is truly intended to hear and represent the voices and needs of all women, how can they in good conscience deny the voices of those who disagree with their agenda?
Anonymous North Bay , ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 11:49am
Anonymous Waterloo, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 11:19am
Clare C. North York , ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 11:08am
Murray P. Viscount, SK
Dec 10, 2022 - 11:06am
Shame on the United Nations for blocking Pro-Life and Pro Family Women from participating in the 67th Commision on the Staus of Women.
Ricardo & Gisèle C. Windsor, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 11:01am
Life is wasted without Jesus!!!
Anonymous PARKHILL, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 10:53am
Glenn I. Gloucester, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 10:36am
Blackmailing people to say or do things they do not believe is in no way to promote a good and just society.
Anonymous Goderich,, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 10:32am
I believe in the proection of the babies. I feel that you are murdering unborn children
Anonymous Nanaimo, BC
Dec 10, 2022 - 10:19am
Mary Ann C. Cambridge , ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 09:07am
Ann Marie T. Charlottetown, PE
Dec 10, 2022 - 08:41am
Bethany W. San Antonio, 0
Dec 10, 2022 - 08:34am
Anonymous Fonthill, ON
Dec 10, 2022 - 08:27am
I will pray for your success in this matter. Thank you for not giving up hope??????????