
NO to Child Euthanasia!


NO to Child Euthanasia

TO: Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
CC: Members of Parliament

The Quebec College of Physicians recently made a presentation to the Parliamentary AMAD Committee in which it proposed the expansion of the government’s euthanasia program (a.k.a. “medical assistance in dying” or MAiD) to include sick infants under age 1 and sick children aged 14 and up.

Legalizing child euthanasia is unconscionable. This proposal must be unequivocally rejected. The government must protect and safeguard the lives of our children, especially those who are most vulnerable. That is your God-given duty!

It is already an unspeakable tragedy that Canada permits the euthanasia-killing of certain categories of Canadian adults. This has devalued the lives of the sick, elderly, disabled, and depressed, as well as corrupted the traditional practice of medicine, which vows to “first, do no harm.”

The idea of adding infants and children to the list of “candidates for killing” would greatly damage Canada’s reputation and bring us down to a new moral low.

According to the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child, “the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth.” In Article 6, it says:

1. States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life.
2. States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child.

Child euthanasia is at odds with these principles. Children, whether physically ill, disabled, deformed, or depressed, must not be killed upon request. Their capacity to consent to be killed is extremely limited, and giving that choice to some third-party authority is an unacceptable evil.

If we start advising and prescribing euthanasia for others, we are following in the footsteps of the “Aktion T4” program launched in 1930s Germany, which quickly led to the atrocity of the Holocaust. We do not want to repeat that gruesome chapter in world history.

For more information, check out this article:

For a copy of this petition that you can print out and use to gather physical signatures, click here.

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Thus far 3020 signatories
Page 12 of 202
Anonymous Hanover, ON
Jan 20, 2023 - 10:07pm
Anonymous Richmond Hill, ON
Jan 19, 2023 - 07:08pm
EVERY child matters and has a right to live regardless of diagnosis
Donna N. 150 Mile House , BC
Jan 18, 2023 - 02:26pm
Mary S. Rockwood, ON
Jan 17, 2023 - 05:45am
This is an abomination! What have we become? God have mercy on the people that vote for this.
Lydell B. Estevan, SK
Jan 16, 2023 - 05:46pm
This idea is absurd and insane.
Anonymous Regina, SK
Jan 16, 2023 - 04:42pm
It is an absolute disgrace that mature adults would promote euthanasia of babies, children and the elderly for inhuman reasons.We have no right to kill.
Anonymous La Baie, QC
Jan 16, 2023 - 07:09am
brian R. Keswick, ON
Jan 15, 2023 - 09:17pm
Anonymous Warminster, ON
Jan 15, 2023 - 05:39pm
Lorie Y. Saskatoon, SK
Jan 15, 2023 - 10:41am
Mary Lou D. Richmond Hill, ON
Jan 15, 2023 - 10:40am
Anonymous Burlington, ON
Jan 15, 2023 - 01:39am
Claude H. Plantagenet , ON
Jan 15, 2023 - 12:48am
You are in our prayers!
Anne K. Queensville , ON
Jan 15, 2023 - 12:14am
I reject child euthanasia
Deborah W. County of Grande Prairie, AB
Jan 14, 2023 - 09:53pm