
Canada: End Coercive Foreign Aid Now!


End Coercive Foreign Aid to Africa

Hon. Karina Gould, Minister of International Development,

I would like to appeal to you to end a coercive and degrading foreign aid policy, which has been implemented by our Canadian government using my tax money.

As you are a leader with much political experience in international diplomacy, you understand the importance of listening to and respecting the views and values of foreign nations. And as you are also an individual possessing practical experience having volunteered in a third world orphanage, you understand the urgent needs of hurting and vulnerable populations in underdeveloped countries.

This is why I find it so shocking that you would get on board with a policy agenda that puts ideology ahead of compassion, that speaks down to a people instead of listening to their voices, that promotes and advances disrespect, cultural destruction, and depopulation in Africa.

According to Mr. Trudeau’s “Feminist International Assistance Policy”, Canada’s goal is to convert African culture into a more Western “ideal”. I quote: “Going forward, Canada will increase its support for initiatives that advance gender equality and women’s empowerment [i.e. Western feminism] as their principal focus.... by 2021-22 at the latest, at least 95 percent of Canada’s bilateral international development assistance investments will either target or integrate [Western feminism].”

Why would 95% of Canada’s total financial aid to hurting countries have ideological strings attached? Since when do we withhold food and water until a foreign nation crumbles under our cultural dictates? This seems very arrogant.

Mr. Trudeau’s “Feminist International Assistance Policy” also reveals a plan to actively interfere with the legal systems of sovereign African nations. It states: “Canada will...address discriminatory laws that prevent women from realizing their economic, political and social rights.”

How can the government of Canada presume to “address” the laws of foreign governments? This is not our business! Furthermore, to try to do so in a manipulative way – using billions of dollars as leverage – is a moral outrage! How would we like it if another country did that to us?

Mr. Trudeau’s “Feminist International Assistance Policy” overtly states that Canada’s goal is to change African culture and society: “[We] require the transformation of social norms and power relations. This objective is also essential for the achievement of all other development priorities.”

In other words, Canada is suggesting that traditional African society is backwards. And if Africans resist our efforts to force a cultural change, then we will back away from “other development priorities”, such as providing food, water, and other essentials. That is quite a threat!

Mr. Trudeau’s “Feminist International Assistance Policy” also admits that Canada’s goal is to promote depopulation and preborn-killing efforts in Africa: “Canada will support increased access to a full range of health services, including family planning and modern contraception; comprehensive sexuality education; safe and legal abortion...”

Why would you support and promote a policy whose overt goal is to reduce the number of Africans? Why would you promote a practice like abortion in Africa, which nearly all Africans understand as the taking of a human life?

Sadly, I can already see Mr. Trudeau’s coercive policy in action. Your Global Affairs Canada website shows that the government of Canada is currently funding projects worth over $47 million in direct and indirect partnership with the infamous and discredited group known as “Marie Stopes” (now known as MSI Reproductive Choices).

Marie Stopes is a UK-based abortion provider that frequently runs afoul of the law in Africa. It is reported that they have performed illegal abortions in Kenya and Niger. The government of Zambia defunded them, and they are being investigated in Tanzania.

Why is the Trudeau government continuing to funnel our taxpayer money into this type of organization – and others like it? Why are they pushing illegal activities, promoting killing African preborn babies, and interfering with the sovereignty of African nations? Why do they think they can get away with such blatant neo-colonialism under the guise of a “feminist policy”? Are feminists alright with this? What do Canadian women think?

I, for one, am in total disagreement with this coercive foreign aid policy masquerading as a blessing to women. That is not how Africans see it. It is nothing short of an arrogant imposition of Western feminism on a needy and vulnerable people-group, using billions of dollars of my tax money as bribery.

Therefore, I am asking you to immediately end the Canadian government’s “Feminist International Assistance Policy”. Please stop dictating to the people of Africa, start listening to their real needs, and respect their culture and laws. As long as Canada continues to perpetuate coercive and racist-sounding foreign aid policies, we will only be contributing to the suffering of third world nations, all the while ruining our exemplary reputation as a leader in non-judgemental, compassionate humanitarian assistance around the world.


[The Undersigned]

For further information, check out our video exposé and backgrounder.

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Thus far 2593 signatories
Page 23 of 173
Leonard S. Calgary, AB
Jan 29, 2021 - 11:10pm
Barbara S. Toronto, ON
Jan 29, 2021 - 08:11pm
Please join me in also signing this other petition on this important issue:
Robin E. Houston, BC
Jan 29, 2021 - 07:28pm
Monique P. Gatineau, QC
Jan 29, 2021 - 04:16pm
Anonymous East St. Paul, MB
Jan 29, 2021 - 02:44pm
There are many ways to support & help mothers, children, their families, women & girls to thrive. Let's build them up, empower them by offering hope & life, not slavery & death. As a proud Canadian, who will one day be able to travel again, I desire to see the good work my country is doing in communities around the world!
Margaret R. Vernon Bridge, PE
Jan 29, 2021 - 02:29pm
Sherry S. James River Bridge, AB
Jan 29, 2021 - 01:11pm
Bernice G. Red Deer County, AB
Jan 29, 2021 - 11:26am
Please use our foreign aid money to keep Africans alive, not to kill them. They need food, clean water, and now vaccines to slow the spread of the coronavirus. I lament the use of my tax dollars for abortions.
Lois F. Algonquin Highlands, ON
Jan 29, 2021 - 09:50am
It's deceptive to Canadians how Trudeau is sending foreign aid, once thought to be much needed medicines, food, and education assistance, but in fact racial discrimination to the people of Africa, promoting abortion and contraception to a country that doesn't want this forced on their society. A baby lives at conception!
Anonymous , ON
Jan 29, 2021 - 09:49am
Anonymous Mississauga, ON
Jan 29, 2021 - 12:28am
Anonymous Tofield, AB
Jan 28, 2021 - 07:54pm
Theresa F. Kincardine , ON
Jan 28, 2021 - 07:00pm
Anonymous Saskatoon , SK
Jan 28, 2021 - 06:21pm
jane w. Chatham, ON
Jan 28, 2021 - 06:20pm
Please support mom, dads and their families in a healthy positive fashion - nutrition, education, practical improvements for living...only. It is not for western nations to force their values on developing nations...I thought we regretted such actions in the past. Help in a positive way - avoid future reparations. jane wright