
Canada: Sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration


United Nations

To: Honourable Members of Parliament

On October 22nd, thirty-two nations signed the historic Geneva Consensus Declaration. We believe that the Canadian government should also take part.

Canada has a reputation as a respected leader on the world stage in the area of human rights.

That reputation was built, in part, by our commitment to defend and promote numerous international conventions and declarations, of which Canada is a signatory.

Those conventions and declarations uphold fundamental, universal principles, such as the right to life and the centrality of the natural family. For example, Canada has agreed to, and has historically advanced, the following statements:

Declaration on the Rights of the Child (signed by Canada in 1959):

Special care and protection shall be provided both to [the child] and to his mother, including adequate pre-natal and post-natal care...

Convention on the Rights of the Child (signed by Canada in 1990):

The child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth...

The family, as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children, should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community...

The child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding...

Parents or, as the case may be, legal guardians, have the primary responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child. The best interests of the child will be their basic concern...

States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse...

However, in recent years, Canada has deviated from its commitments and its historic role in advancing genuine human rights. Instead, it has pushed a marginal agenda focused on newly-invented “rights” that are neither based in natural law nor in any international treaty. Among these are a false right to abortion, a false right to choose one’s gender, and a false right to sexual pleasure for children.

Canada has become a bully on the world stage, imposing its agenda on traditional peoples in third world nations, promoting abortion, gender theory, and radical sex education. Canada is practising a form of ideological colonization that is reprehensible and discriminatory.

Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call on our government to recommit itself to its historic treaty obligations and once again champion the cause of genuine human rights. Canada must defend and promote the right to life and the centrality of the natural family; it must stop pushing false rights on traditional cultures in foreign lands.

In order to demonstrate this recommitment, we call on you to join the Geneva Consensus Declaration, which has been endorsed by thirty-two nations representing over 1.6 billion people, or approximately one-fifth of the world’s population. This Declaration has been signed by many of our allies, including the United States.

The Geneva Consensus Declaration is an explicit commitment by nations to uphold the right to life and the centrality of the family. It is an affirmation of historical human rights principles, which Canada has previously agreed to defend. It states in unambiguous terms, “there is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion.”

Therefore, we urge you to sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration. This is an important first step in restoring our reputation as a world leader in human rights.


[ The Undersigned ]

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Thus far 3938 signatories
Page 6 of 263
Edwin R. Saskatoon, SK
Mar 11, 2021 - 02:04pm
Bryan P. Bassano, AB
Mar 7, 2021 - 05:49pm
I agree with this petition and the Declaration of the Geneva Convention: to protect children and the rights of the family, and to natural procreation.
Sandi S. Saskatoon , SK
Mar 7, 2021 - 09:29am
Anonymous Mississauga, ON
Mar 2, 2021 - 12:08pm
Anonymous St. Thomas, ON
Mar 1, 2021 - 10:28pm
Nancy F. Aylmer, ON
Mar 1, 2021 - 04:22pm
Anonymous Belleville , ON
Mar 1, 2021 - 07:38am
Micheline H. Longueuil, QC
Feb 27, 2021 - 11:44pm
Anonymous Calgary, AB
Feb 26, 2021 - 09:16pm
Lisa P. Hamilton, ON
Feb 26, 2021 - 12:49pm
Pam C. Estevan, SK
Feb 24, 2021 - 04:42pm
Please sign this declaration
Jerry H. Main Centre, SK
Feb 22, 2021 - 10:22pm
Glaciela Silva de M. Stittsville, ON
Feb 22, 2021 - 06:55am
Norma B. Port Alice, BC
Feb 21, 2021 - 06:42pm
JOHNNY W. Kingsville, ON
Feb 19, 2021 - 09:03am