
Stop the Expansion of Medical Murder under Bill C-7


Lametti and Trudeau Push Medical Murder

Members of Parliament,

I want to express my vehement opposition to Bill C-7 (medical assistance in dying). This atrocious expansion of the Trudeau euthanasia program is unacceptable and unconscionable. It will bring us closer to euthanasia-on-demand in many frightening ways, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • A person can be euthanized who is not actually dying. This includes anyone living with a disability, illness, or disease that is treatable or even curable. The only criterion is that the person experiences “physical or psychological suffering that is,” according to his/her subjective perspective, “intolerable”.
  • A person whose death is “reasonably foreseeable” can be euthanized immediately – on the spot – without being given any time to reconsider.

Every human life – no matter his/her age, medical condition, or disability, has equal value and is worthy of equal respect. In times of human weakness, sickness, or vulnerability, we must offer extraordinary support, compassion, and hope to those who are suffering. We must be mindful to always affirm the value and dignity of their life and person up to the moment of natural death.

No human life is ever “unworthy” of life. No human life is ever “beyond hope”. However, the message of Bill C-7 and Mr. Trudeau’s ever-expanding euthanasia program says otherwise. It says some people are of less value, less worth, and less dignity than others – so much so that they should actually be killed.

This goes against Canadian values, medical ethics, universal human rights, and that most basic divine law: “Thou shalt not kill.” No one human being has the right to murder another human being. To do so is a grievous moral and ethical affront, especially when that other human being is vulnerable, hurting, and susceptible to abuse and pressure.

I am calling on you to vote against Bill C-7. Please reject this evil Bill and voice your support for the right to life of all Canadians – including those who are elderly, disabled, diseased, or dying.


[Your Signature]

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Thus far 7237 signatories
Page 55 of 483
Adam C. Vermilion, AB
Nov 4, 2020 - 11:49pm
Dino V. London, ON
Nov 4, 2020 - 02:13pm
protect life not terminate it
Anonymous Kitchener, ON
Nov 4, 2020 - 09:03am
Elizabeth . Lon, ON
Nov 4, 2020 - 07:49am
Joseph P. Ottawa, ON
Nov 4, 2020 - 07:43am
Eugene T. Sarnia, ON
Nov 2, 2020 - 11:11pm
Rachel C. Vermilion , AB
Nov 2, 2020 - 12:17am
Anonymous Vermilion , AB
Nov 2, 2020 - 12:09am
Anonymous Rocky Harbour , NL
Nov 1, 2020 - 06:35pm
Anonymous London, ON
Nov 1, 2020 - 04:00pm
Anonymous Toronto , ON
Nov 1, 2020 - 08:26am
Gisele F. Quinte West, ON
Oct 31, 2020 - 01:54pm
Glen B. Edmonton, AB
Oct 29, 2020 - 09:03pm
Anonymous Surrey, BC
Oct 29, 2020 - 03:58pm
Joyce W. Edmonton , AB
Oct 27, 2020 - 09:21pm