
Defund It

It’s time for Ontario legislators to treat our money with respect.

Did you know that Ontario taxpayers currently shell out $50 million annually for the elective abortion procedure alone?  That price tag excludes the cost of abortion complications such as perforations, uterine hemorrhage, post-traumatic  stress disorder, suicide, infertility and breast cancer. All these indirect costs could easily escalate the total cost of abortion in our health care system to hundreds of millions of dollars annually!

For $50 million per year, Ontario can hire over 200 family doctors, or 400 nurses, or purchase 20 MRI machines or provide therapy to 500 additional autistic kids each year. All these usesof taxpayer dollars would represent genuine health care… rather than killing babies.

Defund It

It’s ludicrous to ask us to open up our wallets for these killings when the province is drowning in debt, and genuine areas of health care are neglected, such as treating autistic kids, fixing doctor and nurse shortages,  improving elder care and buying MRI machines.

The Canada Health Act is federal law which requires provinces to fund “medically necessary” services, but it does not define abortion as being medically necessary.

When Ontario legislators deem an elective procedure as “not medically necessary” it does not get insured by OHIP, and as a result, will not receive public funding.

For example, in 2004 Dalton McGuinty’s Liberal government delisted chiropractic services after more than 30 years of public funding. Optometry examinations and physiotherapy were also delisted from OHIP at that time. Still today, Kathleen Wynne's Liberal government refuses to insure prostate cancer screening tests, a potentially life-saving test that was once covered by OHIP.

Therefore, it is clear that Ontario MPPs can easily delist abortion from OHIP. What they lack is the political will and moral fortitude to do the right thing.

In almost all abortion cases, the life of the mother is not in danger. The simple truth is that more than 96% of the time, abortions today are performed for convenience, as a back-up birth control method. That’s clearly not a medical necessity and should not be funded as such.

Send your MPP a Message

This campaign is organized by CLC’s Youth Division. When CLC Youth organized our first province-wide Defund Abortion Mini-Rally campaign in 2012, 44 MPP offices were targeted with simultaneous rallies.  It got the attention of MPPs and generated a lot of media discussion about taxpayer funding of abortion.

Now, on October 3, 2013, pro-life taxpayer will be gathering at the local constituency office of their MPP and urging their elected representative to delist abortion from the services covered by OHIP.  Our goal is to have a mini-rally at all 107 MPP offices. To achieve success in this ambitious goal, we need a person in each riding to volunteer as a Team Leader.  Download this instruction manual to read the simple steps involved in organizing a mini-rally. Then, please consider volunteering.

Will you help us achieve this goal?

CanadaEven more exciting is that the Defund Abortion campaign has been rolled out nationally to 6 other provinces including Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.  Join this taxpayer liberation movement today!

To find out more about joining or leading a mini-rally at your MPP’s office, contact Alissa at 1-800-730-5358 x. 238 or email [email protected].

Promote the rally

♦download a poster for your church / school:  8.5x11 or 11x17

♦download a 4-pg brochure to use as a handout, table-top display or bulletin insert

♦download a bulletin announcement for your pastor:   MS Word  or   PDF

91 of 106
constituency offices covered so far List
Find your Local Mini Rally
Sign the Pledge to Attend
Thank you for pledging to attend this Defund Abortion mini-rally.  We cannot succeed without you. Together with Canadian in 7 provinces across Canada, we will move towards the day when the killing of children in the womb is no longer subsidized by taxpayers.

Can you also help us promote this rally in your church or social circles? A poster that’s ideal for church bulletin boards can be downloaded here. You may also download a brochure here, which is perfect as a handout, table-top leave behind or bulletin insert.

Please click here to spread the word.