News & Analysis

May 31st protest against Bill 13 draws 600

On Thursday May 31, a large protest against Bill 13 took place with at least 600 parents and concerned citizens. The ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of participants was impressive, with the majority being visible or ethnic minorities.  They protested for an hour at Yonge & Dundas Square.

During that time, hundreds of information flyers warning about the dangers of Bill 13 to our civil liberties were handed out to passersby, most of whom agreed with the protestors once they were informed of the ramifications of Bill 13's gay agenda.  Many media outlets conducted interviews including CTVToronto Sun, Omni TV,  City TV, CBC, CBC Radio, Fairchild, The Catholic Register and more.

The parental protestors then marched with police escort along Dundas, north on University Avenue, to continue the protest on the east lawn of Queens Park.

From 1:20pm to 2:20 pm the parental protestors gathered to hear several speakers in front of the legislature demand that Ontario's MPPs respect parental rights, not to mention the will of their constituents, the majority of whom oppose a State take-over of parental rights and religious freedom.


Watch highlight video from May 31st protest


The final vote in the legislature (3rd reading) will occur Tuesday June 5.  While there is still time, please contact your MPP and ask them to vote against Bill 13. In addition, please contact Premier Dalton McGuinty and Liberal Education Minister Laurel Broten, and urge them to retract this parental rights-destroying legislation.