News & Analysis

1st hour debate on Motion 312 scheduled for today!

Motion 312 (tabled in the House of Commons on February 6th, 2012) will see it’s first hour of debate today in the House at approximately 5:15p.m.(ET). You can tune in to this exciting debate which will air on the CPAC television network.  It can also be watched live at

This Motion by pro-life MP Stephen Woodworth, seeks to establish a parliamentary committee to study modern medical science to help answer the question of when a human being first comes into existence.

Woodworth has pointed out that Canada has an archaic, 400-year old law in Criminal Code Section 223(1), which states that a human being only comes into existence once the child has completely exited from the womb.  The Kitchener-Centre MP has argued that this legal definition of "human being" flies in the face of modern medical science and is a leftover of the limited medical knowledge that was available in the middle ages.

Campaign Life Coalition supports the establishment of this committee.  We have created a website called which lays out tremendous scientific proof that a human being comes into existence from the time of conception/fertilization.

Please look up the contact info for your local MP and the Prime Minister on our website, and please urge them to support Motion 312. The pro-abortion lobby, although small is well-funded and well-organized and they are working hard to defeat the motion. Today, there were a handful of pro-abortion protestors outside the Parliament building protesting Motion 312. See photo below.