Parental rights network: Lisa Thompson must resign
Doug Ford’s promise to repeal the perverted Wynne/Levin sex curriculum is in shambles.
Although this repeal was one of Ford’s central election promises, and despite the fact he chose to feature it as a key element of his first government throne speech, the repeal never took place.
We're now at serious risk of seeing Kathleen Wynne’s sex program remain in our schools forever, where it'll continue to harm children psychologically, physically and spiritually.
Lawsuit reveals radical sex-ed still being taught
During hearings involving a recent lawsuit brought against the Ford administration by a left-wing teachers union, it was argued that repealing the Wynne/Levin sex curriculum is somehow “unconstitutional”.
Union bosses asked the court to reinstate the Liberal sex program.
The lawyers and staff for Education Minister Lisa Thompson testified that educators may continue teaching gender identity theory, plus everything else in Wynne's curriculum (anal sex, oral sex, masturbation, etc.).
If Thompson remains in charge of education, it’s virtually guaranteed that the new curriculum being developed for next school year, based on the phony “parental consultation”, will throw the Wynne/Levinn curriculum back in our faces. We can’t let that happen.
Thompson must resign
CLC's Jack Fonseca participated in a press conference Tuesday, along with other members of the Canadian Families Alliance (CFA).
Parental rights leaders announced that they are calling on Education Minister Lisa Thompson to resign, or be fired.
Our demand that she resign will be a key message at the February 20th rally for parental rights at Queen’s Park, which we urge you to attend.
Stop judicial-activism & the biased Human Rights Tribunal
During the press conference, CLC addressed two other serious threats to Ford’s repeal. One is the near certainty that liberal judges will side with the teachers union, and order the Premier to reinstate Wynne's sex program.
CLC called upon Doug Ford to promise he will invoke the notwithstanding clause.
This will enable him to ignore rulings by activist judges who exceed their authority, as we expect will happen here.
The second threat is a human rights complaint by radical LGBT activists who are asking the far-left, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to declare that repealing Wynne’s curriculum somehow “violates human rights”.
CLC called on Ford to abolish the biased Tribunal, which routinely persecutes Christians by accepting frivolous complaints from totalitarian, LGBT activists.
Join us Wednesday Feb 20th
Doug Ford came very close to repealing. As we said, he campaigned on it. He put it in his Throne Speech. We believe he really did intend to honour his promise to parents. But now, that’s all at risk.
We believe it’s still possible to strengthen Ford, and encourage him to stay on the side of the parents who handed him a super majority. We just need to show our strength, and remind him of his promise.
Please come to the rally from 11:30am to 1:30pm, Wednesday February at Queen’s Park in Toronto. RSVP at, and let’s send Premier Ford a message.