News & Analysis

The Funeral of pro-life Giant, Father Ted Colleton

On May 3, 2011 the funeral mass of Father Ted Colleton was packed with roughly 550 people who came to honour this great clergyman who made it his life's work to fight against the culture of death in Canada and to save babies from abortion.

Those who attended consisted of friends from the pro-life movement, his fellow priests from the Spiritan order to which he belonged and a great number of pro-life supporters who came to pay their respects to this holy man of God. 


Below is the eulogy of Father Ted, given by his friend and co-labourer, Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition:


The next video is the eulogy given at the funeral:


For those who have never seen it, here is "The Lion in Winter", a Tribute video made upon the retirement of Father Ted: