News & Analysis

FROM THE FRONT LINE: Testimony of life saved at 40 Days campaign

As you read this, a spiritual battle is raging on the front lines of the war between death and life. The battlefield is the sidewalks outside Canada's abortion facility killing centres. From March 9 - April 17, 2011 the 40 Days For Life campaigns of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion are taking place in ten Canadian cities, as well as 237 other communities around the globe.

These spiritual and public witness campaigns are saving thousands of lives and possibly, souls, right in our local communities. Below is a powerful testimony that was sent to us by organizers at the "front line" of Kitchener, Ontario's Freeport Hospital abortion facility:

God is good! On Friday March 18, around 7:10 pm, a vehicle pulled onto the driveway behind the prayer zone. A very young woman emerged from the car and walked to the five volunteers holding signs.

She was very emotional and detailed that during the Fall of 2009 she experienced an unplanned pregnancy. The father of the child would not accept responsibility and abandoned her early in the pregnancy. She described feeling frustrated and scared with the situation.

The young woman said that she had an appointment with Freeport. "I was about to have an abortion", she described, "but saw these people praying, holding up signs in such poor weather conditions, standing outside the hospital with such conviction". The young woman described thinking to herself: "There must be a reason that these people care so much that they give up their time and warmth". She then decided: "I can't do that [abort the baby], it's not right.... I will have this baby. You know what, I can do this!"

One of the prayer volunteers on shift that evening said that the young woman, "kept thanking us and asked us to keep doing what we are doing because it is very important". She emotionally described to the volunteers that the baby girl "is the joy of my life... I am very happy.... And without you, I know it would not have happened".

The young woman mentioned that the she brought her daughter, and the baby was in the car at that moment! Then she hugged one of the volunteers. She departed quickly but not before leaving the volunteers feeling absolutely blessed. As one volunteer said, "I am so thankful to be a witness to the efforts of our presence and prayer". Another volunteer said, "For me personally, being there started to have different meaning from that moment".

Our 40 Days For Life organizing committee does not know if this is the same girl who's mother stopped by the site several days earlier and described that her 19-year old daughter changed her mind, or if it is a second turnaround.

Regardless, we give thanks to God for his mercy in choosing to reveal to us the fruits of our work.

Please pray that the witness and sacrifice of volunteers in these ten Canadian cities will have an impact reaching all across Canada, to help bring about a new Culture of Life.