News & Analysis

Save baby Joseph

The Maraachli family in Windsor Ontario is fighting to keep their 13 month old son, Joseph, from being put to death by the London Health Sciences Centre Hospital in London, Ontario. The hospital, backed by Ontario's 'Consent & Capacity Board', has ordered the child's execution by removal of his respirator, without the parents' consent. 

The family had appealed the decision to the Ontario Superior Court, but the judge sided with the hospital against the parents. It's hard to believe that the government, or hospital bureaucrats, can assume ownership of our children, and decide whether they live or die.  Yet, that appears to be the reality that elites want to impose upon Ontario families. These bureaucrats are seizing the powers to decide who lives and who dies based on how expensive it is to care for them. This is inhuman treatment. The value of human lives must not be measured based on health care dollars.

Thirteen month old Joseph Maraachli of Windsor, Ontario was scheduled to have his life support respirator removed in mid-February after the Ontario Superior Court rejected an appeal by the parents to bring him home where he can die under their care. The Maraachli family defied the court order and are fighting to have a tracheotomy performed on their son so that they can bring him home.  Their daughter died from similar complications eight years ago, but in that case, doctors performed a tracheotomy and they were able to take her home where she lived six more months surrounded by family who loved her. 

Baby Joseph's father, Moe Maraachli, describes the ordeal that the Hospital is putting his family through:  "They [the hospital] fight my family. ... they put security for me. They never give me private to pray with my son... When I go to hospital... I feel I’m in jail or they kidnapped my baby.”

In a "Vegetative" state?

Baby Joseph is suffering from a severe neurological disorder that the hospital says cannot be cured. The hospital claims that baby Joseph is in a permanent "vegetative state". Yet the video below reveals that the baby is flailing his arms and responding to tickling, just like any other baby. Therefore he is definitely NOT in a so-called "vegetative state".  

Alex Schadenberg of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition who initially lead the fight to save Baby Joseph described this horrific situation saying, "It’s worse than the death panel concept that’s being debated in the US. It really is, it’s much worse”.

Please help prevent the state execution of Baby Joseph. Take the following actions:

1. Join the Save Baby Joseph Facebook page by clicking here.

2. Express concerns about the situation to the hospital, the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition:

Bonnie Adamson
President and CEO, London Health Sciences Centre
800 Commissioners Road East
London, Ontario
N6A 5W9    

Dalton McGuinty, Premier
Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto ON M7A 1A1
Tim Hudak, Opposition Leader
The Ontario PC Party
19 Duncan Street
Suite 401
Toronto, ON M5H 3H1
T: 519-685-8462  Fax: (416) 325-3745 Phone: 416-861-0020
Toll-free: 1-800-903-6453 
[email protected]

[email protected]

3. If you live in Ontario, contact your MP and ask them to intervene at the legislature. Find your MP's contact info here.

4.  Join the prayer vigil and rallies planned near the hospital. They are planned for  Saturday, March 5, from 12:00-2:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 6, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in front of the London Health Sciences Centre’s Children’s Hospital. They will be held on the corner of Wellington and Commissioners Rd.  There will also be a rally in support of Joseph’s family on Saturday from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Location to be announced.

5. Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper utilizing our handy Letter to the Editor email feature. Using this tool, you can also send it to national newspapers, if you desire.