News & Analysis

Delegate selection meeting for Conservative Party Convention

UPDATED - March 3, 2016

Are you a paid-up member of the federal Conservative Party of Canada (CPC)? 

If so, we urgently need your help at the party's local riding association meeting.

"Delegate selection meetings" are being held in all 338 federal ridings, throughout March, to elect local party members who will be eligible to vote at the CPC's National Convention.  The convention will be held in Vancouver on May 26-28, 2016. Some of these delegate selection meetings (DSM) have, in fact, already taken place. 

In those meetings which have not yet transpired, we need pro-life, pro-family individuals to put their names forward to go to Vancouver and represent their riding association at the convention. At the very least, we need you there to vote for pro-life members who wish to become delegates. A list of upcoming Conservative DSM dates can be found here.  Once you've clicked through to the link, you will see a Riding pull-down menu.  Please select the name of your riding and information for the date and time of the riding's DSM will be displayed.  Not that ridings are listed alphabetically, but only by province, starting from Newfoundland-Labrador and moving westward from there.  If the date of your riding's DSM is still in the future, then you can still make your voice heard at that meeting.  NOTE: If you're not sure of the name of your riding, you can use your postal code to find out by clicking here.

Why is it important for pro-life/family delegates to be in Vancouver?

Because they'll be entitled to do the following two things at the National Convention: 

#1)  Vote on official party policies to guide the CPC through the future
       These important new policies will either bolster or damage pro-life and pro-family principles. Unfortunately, there will be "red tory" delegates taking advantage of the October 19th Conservative loss, to push the idea that the party needs to become more “progressive”. They will promote policies that are pro-death, anti-family, and anti-religious freedom.  As you read this, they are working feverishly to take over the party, and turn it into a pale pink imitation of the pro-abortion, Trudeau Liberals.
        The only way to stop red tories is to have lots of pro-life/pro-family delegates in Vancouver committed to vote against anti-life policies... and in favour of the life-affirming resolutions suggested by pro-life delegates.

       In addition to fighting off a pro-death take over of the party, the convention also presents a great opportunity for embedding pro-life principles within the party. That’s made easier by the fact that a large percentage of the CPC’s grassroots membership is already socially conservative. In addition, almost half of the currently elected Conservative MPs are pro-life, or have pro-life leanings.  Therefore, pro-life and pro-family policy proposals stand a good chance of being accepted.  


#2)  Elect a new Executive Council for the CPC
       Riding delegates will be able to vote for pro-lifers who run for the National Council positions. National councillors acquire significant ability to influence party decisions and election strategy. Delegates will also be able to throw their own name in the ring to run for the executive, which is a very worthwhile goal that CLC encourages.


Am I eligible to become a delegate?

Only those who have been CPC members for at least 21 days prior to the meeting, may stand for delegate elections. An exception can be granted if your CPC membership only expired within the past 90 days.

Each riding association can send up to 10 delegates to the convention.


How do I apply to go to Vancouver?

Obviously, the more social conservatives who are in Vancouver during the May convention, the higher our chances of electing pro-life national councillors and of enacting pro-life/family policies. 

We hope you do feel called to become a Vancouver delegate, and CLC can help keep you connected with other so-cons whilst you're there so that everyone's following the same plan.

To nominate yourself to become a Vancouver delegate, you need to (a) be present at the Delegate Selection Meeting; (b) have a valid membership for at least 21 days prior to the meeting; (c) fill in this convention delegate application form and submit it to the riding association executive, either in advance, or the night of the Delegate Selection Meeting, before the vote takes place.  


Can I still help the cause, even if I don't wish to/cannot travel to Vancouver in May?

Absolutely.  Contact your local CPC riding association, find out when the delegate selection meeting will take place, and then attend the meeting.  

Before the vote, you can speak to all the delegates, ask them questions, and ascertain which ones are socially conservative vs. socially liberal.  Then, vote for the so-cons so they can be selected and hopefully, be able to vote for a pro-life leader candidate and for pro-life/family policies.

If you need assistance getting contact information for your local riding association, feel free to contact Campaign Life Coalition. We'll do what we can to help find that information for you.


Is there a cost to being a delegate?

As a rule, successful delegates have to pay their own airfare, accommodations and convention registration fee. It's a significant cost outlay. However, riding associations often choose to cover some of these expenses. 


Keep in touch

Please e-mail Campaign Life Coalition by clicking here to let us know whether or not you will be able to attend your local delegate selection meeting.