News & Analysis

CLC on the radio - CLC's Alissa Golob interviewed on Jim Richards Show re: Bill C-389

The following interview occurred on Toronto's 1010 CFRB radio station at 2:40pm February 8th. It is regarding CLC's opposition to the transgender "bathroom" bill, C-389, which will receive a final vote in the House of Commons on February 9th at 5:30pm.

If passed, the new law would create a legal right for men who self-identify as women to enter girls' bathrooms. It would also lend "moral authority" to radical activists who will demand that schools must teach children about transgenderism as early as kindergarten. Transgenderism is the belief that even though one has the body of a male, one can self-identify as female, and vice versa, if that's how one perceives it in their their minds.

Listen to the Interview: