News & Analysis

Parliament betrays Canada by advancing radical 'gender identity' bill

On December 8, 2010, bill C-389 passed "report stage" by a vote of 143 Yays -131 Nays.  A majority of Nays would have killed this reckless bill, but now it will advance to 3rd reading and final vote in the House of Commons.

To view who voted in favour of C389 (YEA) and against (NAY), click here. On page 2 of the list, you will also find who "abstained" from voting and who was absent. It was especially disappointing to pro-family activists that Liberal MP, Paul Szabo, voted in favour of this harmful bill.  Mr. Szabo had been a courageous pro-life MP throughout his career, including his defense of the traditional definition of marriage in 2005 when he went against his own party, in support of traditional values.  His vote in favour of the bathroom bill is a serious mark against his pro-life & family record. We hope he will vote the right way upon Third Reading.  Also disappointing was Albina Guarnieri who has always voted the right way on pro-life issues.

Now that the bill has cleared this hurdle, it will return for its first hour third reading debate toward the end of February or early March 2011, with a second hour and final vote to be scheduled shortly after that. A possible election call in February, perhaps on a budget vote, could kill this ultra-radical private member's bill.

Otherwise it seems to have sufficient votes in the House of Commons to make it pass. However, pro-family voters cannot count on an election call to kill the bill. It is absolutely vital that voters meet with and phone their MP between now and February and urge them to vote against C-389 at 3rd reading. The only chance after that to kill the bill is with the unelected Senate, which is a real wild card and difficult to judge where senators stand.  Your lobbying efforts need to be more intense than the other side so that we can convince at least (7) more MPs to vote against C-389 at 3rd reading. 

We cannot overstate the potential threat this bill poses to an ordered, moral society. One of the consequences will be that the right to "gender expression" will put more men inside girls bathrooms and change rooms, providing exactly the type of cover that sexual predators often seek to prey upon women and children.

Another ramification of putting the right to "gender identity" and "gender expression" (whatever that means), into the Canadian Human Rights Act, as bill C-389 would do, is that eventually, it will creep into school curriculum and the classroom. With the weight of "the law" behind them, these radical sex-activists will demand that children must be taught that cross-dressing and transgenderism is normal and natural. This is not mere "speculation". It's exactly what happened as a result of homosexual "marriage" legislation -- gay activists now write the curriculum and text books. This legitimization of cross-dressing and gender confusion, if it becomes law, will follow the same pattern.

To read more details explaining why the passage of C-389 would be so harmful, and to learn what actions you can take to stop the bill on Third Reading, please click here.