News & Analysis

CLC press conference kicks off the National March For Life

Published:  May 7, 2014    5:35pm

Campaign Life Coalition held a press conference at 9:30am on Wed May 7th, to launch the National March For Life.  Several mainstream media outlets were present in the Parliamentary Press Gallery, including Sun Media, CBC Radio Canada, Le Devoir, The Canadian Press, and others.  The press conference focused on our efforts to prevent Health Canada from lifting the current ban on the dangerous, RU-486 chemical abortion pill.  

Three CLC representatives delivered statements at the press conference - Matthew Wojciechowski, Alissa Golob and Johanne Brownrigg - aimed at keeping the controversial chemical abortion drug illegal.

The CLC spokespersons laid out the evidence for why RU-486 is an unsafe, harmful drug that not only kills preborn babies, but sometimes, their mothers too.  Arguably the most powerful of these arguments is the fact that Canadian trials of RU-486 were halted in 2001 after a 26-year old woman died from septic shock, as a result of taking the drug.   Health Canada effectively banned RU-486 at that time.  Incredible as it seems, Health Canada is now reviewing another application to bring this kill pill back again.  Several news reports have come out as a result of the press conference.

It also appears the Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau reacted to the March For Life announcement.  He announced today, after a caucus meeting,  that pro-life nomination candidates will NOT be welcome in the Liberal Party of Canada for the upcoming 2015 election. Trudeau said that all candidates will be screened to ensure they are pro-abortion and  that they oppose the true definition of marriage.  This is a bold violation of Trudeau's promise of "open" nomination meetings.

Some of the reporters tried to question the facts provided during the presser, but our staff handled them well. The three media spokespersons were also peppered with questions about the upcoming federal election in 2015, how many pro-life candidates we are supporting in the current nomination battles across Canada, and what support there is amongst the currently elected pro-life MPs.  Federal elections and nomination meetings appeared to be top of mind for reporters.

We are pleased to present a photo album of this morning's press conference. Enjoy!  
(Note: if the album doesn't display below, click here to view a web version) 


For those who are in Ottawa, please join pro-lifers tonight for a candle light vigil for the victims of abortion. It starts at 9pm at the Canadian Human Rights Monument at Elgin and Lisgar Streets.