News & Analysis

Tell your MP to stop the transgender Bathroom bill

Our government has come one step closer to passing the ultra-radical, private members bill, C-389. If passed, it would add "gender identity" and "gender expression" as a protected class within the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code.  In the U.S., these "gender identity" bills have been dubbed "bathroom bills" for reasons we will explain.

Creating a right to "gender expression" will result in male cross-dressers and male drag queens having the legal right to use girls bathrooms. Besides cross-dressers, this bill would also give special rights to those who consider themselves to be "transgendered". Transgenderism is the belief that one can be a man on the outside, but a woman on the inside, or vice versa.

The NDP private members bill by homosexual activist MP, Bill Siksay (Burnaby-Douglas, BC), sailed through the Committee on Justice and Human Rights on November 2 by a vote of 9-2.


This bathroom bill not only flies in the face of common sense, but is also potentially dangerous by creating the legitimized access that sexual predators often seek. Imagine a young girl - your daughter or granddaughter - goes into a washroom and finds a man there. How is the young girl to determine whether or not the man in the bathroom is a "peeping tom," a rapist or a pedophile? It is unconscionable for any legislator to purposefully place her in such a compromising position. Furthermore, if the young girl reacts negatively to the man's presence and he turns out to be a transvestite, she could potentially be charged with a "hate crime".

Proponents of C-389 will downplay or even deny the impact on public washrooms, but gay & transgender activists in the USA have already demanded these things on the basis of "gender identity" rights, such as those which C-389 seeks to enshrine in Canadian law.

This bill will also create a legal nightmare for businesses. It is foreseeable that they would be forced to allow cross-dressing in the work place. Imagine the predicament of employers who hire for a job that requires contact with clients who would be disturbed by dealing with somebody that has taken up the "gender identity" of the opposite sex. The employer who fires, refuses to hire, or moves the person into a position with no customer contact, would certainly face human rights complaints of "discrimination".

The ultimate objective of this insane bill however, is more insidious. Some pro-family leaders believe the endgame is to gain access to the educational system where they will have a chance to control our children's hearts and minds once and for all. Remember - the law is a teacher. When this bill becomes law, it will grant the perceived "moral authority" for gender-confused activists to demand that transgenderism be taught in school as something that is natural and normal. The damage it will wreak upon impressionable children cannot be overstated. 

Dalton McGuinty has shown us a glimpse of the future of education, should bill C-389 become law.  He has revealed how radicals will use the passage of C-389 to target our children.  McGuinty has rolled out the "full day kindergarten program" in 2010 and it is being tested in 600 Ontario schools as we speak.  In its current draft version, the Full Day Kingergartent program requires teachers to combat "preconceived notions about children's... gender".  

If bill C-389 becomes law, it will certainly mean that parents will find it difficult to retract McGuinty's policy. The force of the law will compel schools to teach kindergarteners that a little boy can believe he is a little girl, and that it's a good and normal thing.  Premier McGuinty will be able to hide behind the amended Human Rights Act to justify corrupting and confusing 4 and 5 year olds.  To view the offending excerpts from McGuinty's "Full Day Kingergarten Program", click here.  Do you want your kindergarten children to learn that cross-dressing is normal and healthy? That is our future if C-389 becomes law.

Please find your MP's contact info on our special "Find your MP" web page, here. Then email, phone and visit them. Respectfully request that they vote against this radical private members bill or else, you will vote against them in the next election.

You may also contact Prime Minister Harper here, and Justice Minister Rob Nicholson, here.

Help create a national debate about the unintended and unforeseen consequences of this bill by using our automated LETTER TO THE EDITOR feature to write a letter to a variety of newspapers.