News & Analysis

Free live webinar - protecting our children from radical sexualization of the classroom

Ontario's municipal elections will be held October 27, 2014.  And with them the opportunity to elect Catholic & public school trustees acroos Ontario who will protect parental rights (and children) against the radical sexualization of our classrooms that has taken place under Kathleen Wynne & Dalton McGuinty.

The webinar will be held Thursday January 16 at 7pm Eastern Standard Time. 


Up for discussion:

  • Overview of the radical sexual agenda with which the next generation is being indoctrinated in the classroom.

  • The adverse impact on your children with respect to psycho-sexual and emotional development,  physical health and spiritual well-being.

  • The frontal assault on parental rights that this sexualization of the classroom represents.

  • The need to elect solid trustees who care about parental rights, religious freedom and the harm being inflicted on Ontario's children by the radical sexual agenda being imposed by the Wynne/McGuinty Liberal government.

  • How to identify and groom potential trustee candidates in your community...or are you the right person?


REGISTER NOW to attend this free, live webinar. You will have the opportunity to ask questions of the CLC presenters.