News & Analysis

A Human Pesticide + Selling virgins online: Moral Maze TV

Below are the latest episodes of The Moral Maze on Sun News, featuring host Michael Coren plus CLC guests Jack Fonseca and Tany Allen Granic.   

On Dec 2nd Jack discussed news that the Canadian government is entertaining an application to bring the dangerous RU-486 chemical abortion pill to Canada, the Croation marriage referendum and more.

The week before, Tanya discussed a perverse, quasi-prostitutional trend of young, alleged virgins selling their bodies to the highest online bidder, shenanigans by the anti-family Croatian politicians seeking to subvert democracy, and more. 

Sun News Network is the only Canadian broadcaster who gives a fair and balanced approach to social conservative issues. All the other main stream media networks are heavily biased against traditionally-principled Canadians and routinely supress their point view or even, agressively attack it. 

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