News & Analysis

Moral Maze TV: Catholic school board set to permit dangerous vaccination

This interview was taped November 4, 2013 on Michael Coren's Sun News show, The Arena.

Topics include a vote by Halton Catholic School Board trustees in Ontario, that would undermine Catholic sexual teaching by allowing vaccinations to take place in the schools for the sexually-transmitted infection, HPV.   If the board votes to overturn the current ban on HPV vaccination, it will also expose young girls to the risk of serious adverse reactions from this controversial vaccine, including Guilliane Barre, lupus, seizures, paralysis, blood clots, brain inflammation and death.  CLC is urging ratepayers who live in the jurisdiction of the Halton Catholic School Board to contact trustees and tell them to vote against the motion to repeal the current ban on permitting the vaccine in Catholic schools.

Another topic is the Ontario Liberal governments use of taxpayer money to fund a racy ad campaign with a porn magazine model.