News & Analysis

Live Webcast - Restoring Sanity to Parliament

Dear pro-life friend,

It's vital that we dramatically increase the percentage of MPs in the House of Commons who value the sanctity of human life... and are willing to fight for it.

But how?

Please join us tonight, Thursday September 26th for a live webcast. Campaign Life Coalition will unveil an election strategy designed to quickly, and with minimum effort, dramatically increase the number of pro-life MPs by 30 seats. 

The 30 minute webcast starts at 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mountain, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern or 10pm Atlantic.

Time: 6pm Pacific, 7pm Mtn, 8pm Central, 9pm Eastern, 10 pm Atlantic

Step 1
- Visit

Step 2 - Phone in using one the local numbers listed here
Note:  Scroll down to "Canada" to see the list of Canadian cities. If the city nearest you is long-distance, you may choose the Skype option (if you have it installed on your pc) to avoid long-distance charges, or choose the option to listen by internet webcast. 

Step 3 - Enter the Guest pin code: 952890#

Once you get onto the webcast, you'll be able to ask questions at any time by typing into the "Submit Your Question" box (pictured on the right). 

For life & family,
The Campaign Life Coalition Team