News & Analysis

CLC on Moral Maze TV: Students sign petition to legalize 4th trimester abortion

Please watch CLC's Jack Fonseca on the July 29, 2013 episode of The Moral Maze with host, Michael Coren. They discuss an undercover sting by pro-life reporters at a college campus where students were asked to sign, and many did, a petition to legalize 4th Trimester Abortion, i.e. after birth.  Jack and Michael also discuss a proposal to have the government legislate that ISPs must install porn blocking filters on all internet connections, and a report which suggests that there are fewer doctors in rural B.C. willing to commit abortions.

Moral Maze is seen weekly on Sun News Network with a rotating list of Campaign Life Coalition spokespersons.  Please share this video. Below is a list of where to find Sun News on your TV.