News & Analysis

Cardinal Ouellette thanks CLC for supporting him during tenuous period

Just prior to his departure for Rome where he has been assigned to a new Vatican post heading up the congregation which selects Bishops around the world, Cardinal Marc Ouellette sent a thank you letter to Campaign Life Coalition.

He personally thanked Jim Hughes, President of Campaign Life Coalition, plus all pro-lifers who signed the CLC-organized petition in support of the Cardinal who was being pilloried by the media, and by some within his Church, for stating authentic Catholic teaching that abortion is always morally wrong, even in the case of rape. In May 2010, CLC reacted to the vilification of Cardinal Ouellette by organizing an online petition which saw nearly 6,000 Canadians encourage and thank the Cardinal for standing up for the church's teaching. The Cardinal's letter also imparted a blessing upon CLC and upon all Canadian pro-lifers.

Cardinal Ouellette is the primate of Canada and Archbishop of Quebec. He is making preparations to leave Canada for his new job (a promotion) at the Vatican, where we hope his ability to support the pro-life movement will increase, even if indirectly, through the selection of strong Bishops, who like himself, will speak out boldly to defend and promote the sanctity of human life and moral values.

To read Cardinal Ouellette’s August 16th letter, click here.