News & Analysis

Feminist Magazine at Ryerson University pits pro-life vs. 'pro-choice' views in feature article

The recent Spring 2013 issue of the feminist McClung's Magazine, which is published out of Ryerson University in Toronto, includes an interesting 4-page feature article titled "Abortion Revisited".   It discusses the abhorrent practice of sex-selective abortion which targets baby girls in the womb, the ethics of forcing taxpayers to fund elective, medically unnecessary abortions and the choice of adoption vs. abortion.

While the article has a decidedly pro-abortion bias, it does include a decent number of quotes from pro-life leaders including Campaign Life Coalition's own Alissa Golob and Jack Fonseca, Silent No More Awareness Campaign's Angelina Steenstra and Toronto Right to Life's Blaise Alleyne. Despite the imbalance present in the piece, we do hope that the pro-life message will touch the hearts and intellects of Ryerson students, who like young people at all university campuses, are constantly bombarded with anti-life messaging.

One interesting thing to come out of the article is that two different abortion industry leaders, one of which includes Carolyn Egan, concede that abortion is utilized today as a back-up birth control method. In other words, for reasons of convenience.  Referring to Campaign Life Coalition Youth's defund abortion campaign, Egan defends the Ontario government's current practice of forcing Ontario taxpayers to fund abortions that are committed as a back-up birth control technique.

We must also correct the article's inaccurate claim that abortions are not permitted in Canada after 20 weeks. Abortion is permitted in Canada right up to the moment of birth and although late-term abortions represent a small percentage of the total, they do indeed take place. In fact, Ontario and other provinces even pay to send pregnant mothers to late-term abortion facilities in the U.S., costing the taxpayer up to $7000 for each killing.

Read the excerpted article here.