News & Analysis

Moral Maze TV episodes - May 20 to June 10, 2013

Please watch the latest episodes of The Moral Maze on Sun News Network, featuring Campaign Life Coalition representatives. After watching the videos, please use the SHARE button to Tweet and share the videos on Facebook. This will help show the owners of Sun News that there is an appetite for topics relating to life and family to continue to be covered.

June 10 episode featuring CLC's Shantel Josee

Topics include:

  • NFL football player speaks out against President Obama's pro-abortion advocacy
  • Ontario Catholic Teachers Union hosts speakers with anti-Catholic beliefs... again!
  • Sexy mannequins banned as an 'anti-rape' measure in Mumbai

June 3 episode featuring CLC's Alissa Golob

Topics include:

  • Henry Morgentaler's death
  • Hospital put man on 'do not resuscitate' order after telling his son 'don't let me die'
  • Nova Scotia teens charged with making child porn after filming themselves

May 27 episode featuring CLC's Shantel Josee

Topics include:

  • Parents who misinterpret biblical teaching on faith healing charged after child's death
  • UK mom says if son was a dog, she'd put him down
  • Pop star, Keisha, uses shock tactic on reality tv show

May 20 episode featuring CLC's Alissa Golob

Topics include:

  • Parents sue doctors for sex-assignment of their child, saying it was too early
  • Pregnant woman slipped abortion pill by boyfriend
  • Photographer publishes snooping photos of neighbours