News & Analysis

Update on TCDSB Trustee Vote

Trustees reject motion on GSA’s

On Thursday May 23rd, the Toronto Catholic District School Board voted against a motion that, if passed, would have banned openly homosexual, gay-activist clubs, also known as Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs) in Catholic schools.

This motion introduced by Trustees Gary Tanuan and John Del Grande would have required Catholic schools to offer positive, non-controversial, anti-bullying supports to ALL students, by following a model co-written by Ontario’s Catholic bishops. That model is contained in a document called "RESPECTING DIFFERENCE", which can be read here.

The motion was rejected in a 7-4 vote. This was a large blow to the preservation of the Christian faith of children in Toronto’s Catholic schools.

The four Trustees who voted for the motion were Gary Tanuan (Ward 8, Scarborough), John Del Grande (Ward 7, Scarborough/North York), Angela Kennedy (Ward 11, East York, Toronto), and Patrizia Bottoni (Ward 4, North York). Do not hesitate to contact these Trustees to thank them for standing up for authentic Catholic teaching in the TCDSB. They need our encouragement.

Thank you for your efforts in contacting your Trustees leading up to the vote and for encouraging them to vote the right way.



Campaign Life Catholics,
a division of Campaign Life Coalition