News & Analysis

Action Alert: Help Toronto's Catholic Schoool Trustees keep their schools authentically Catholic


Prohibiting gay-activist clubs in Catholic schools

Trustees Gary Tanuan and John Del Grande have moved a motion that, if passed, will ban openly homosexual, gay-activist clubs, also known as Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs).

These homosexual-activist clubs were mandated by the Liberal government last year. That government directive was unconstitutional because it requires the Catholic Church to violate its religious beliefs on marriage and sexuality. The presence of GSAs (or homosexual clubs by a different name) in Catholic schools promotes a positive view of homosexual unions and therefore, is unacceptable. 

The new Motion requires Catholic schools to offer positive, non-controversial, anti-bullying supports to ALL students, by following a model co-written by Ontario’s Catholic bishops. That model is contained in a document called RESPECTING DIFFERENCE, which you can read here.  Read the full text of Trustee Tanuan & Del Grande's motion here.

Take Action:  Contact the Catholic Trustees

We urge all Catholic ratepayers, whether they currently have kids in school or not, to flood the trustees with phone calls and emails, urging them to support the ban on gay-activist clubs and implement instead, the Respecting Difference model.  The May 23rd meeting begins at 7pm. You may also consider attending the board meeting in support of Trustees Del Grande and Tanuan. The location will be 80 Sheppard Ave East, North York. 

Trustee Phone Fax # (416) E-mail Ward
Trustee Ward 1 PicturePeter Jakovcic 416-512-3401 512-3401 [email protected] 1 (Etobicoke)
Trustee Ward 2 PictureAnn Andrachuk 416-512-3402 512-3402 [email protected] 2 (Etobicoke)
Trustee Ward 3 PictureSal Piccininni 416-512-3403 512-3403 [email protected] 3 (North York)
Trustee Ward 4 PicturePatrizia Bottoni 416-512-3404 512-3404 [email protected] 4 (North York)
Trustee Ward 5 PictureMaria Rizzo 416-512-3405 512-3405 [email protected] 5 (North York)
Trustee Ward 6 PictureFrank D'Amico 416-512-3406 512-3406 [email protected] 6 (York)
Trustee Ward 7 PictureJohn Del Grande 416-512-3407 512-3407 [email protected] 7 (Scarborough/ North York)
Trustee Ward 8 PictureGarry Tanuan 416-512-3408 512-3408 [email protected] 8 (Scarborough)
Trustee Ward 9 PictureJo-Ann Davis 416-512-3409 512-3409 [email protected] 9 (Toronto)
Trustee Ward 10 PictureBarbara Poplawski 416-512-3410 512-3410 [email protected] 10 (Toronto)
Trustee Ward 11 PictureAngela Kennedy 416-512-3411 512-3411 [email protected] 11 (East York/Toronto)
Trustee Ward 12 PictureNancy Crawford 416-512-3412 512-3412 [email protected] 12 (Scarborough)
Student Trustee PictureAndrew Walker 416-512-3413 512-3413 [email protected] Student

If you don’t know the name of your trustee, you can find it here by inputting your street address under the FIND YOUR WARD section.

To help you understand the type of activism and propaganda that is typical for these "Catholic" gay pride clubs, check out the "attitudes survey" created in April by the GSA-type club at Regina Mundi Catholic High School in London, ON.  The survey plants the idea in the minds of kids that  being "against homosexuality" is "extremely homophobic". Teachers distributed it in class to students, without parental knowledge. The survey was clearly designed to normalize homosexual relations in the minds of students, and lead them to reject the religious beliefs of their Church.

Thank you for helping protect the faith of our children by contacting the Catholic trustees.


Campaign Life Coalition