News & Analysis

Participate in the March For Life TWEET-A-THON

Campaign Life Coalition is challenging pro-life citizens across Canada to get the March For Life trending on Twitter during the day of the March For Life, Thursday May 9th.  This popular social media tool is a great new way to get people talking about an event.  That will hopefully also force many media outlets who typically censor the annual event, to report on it.  The tweet-a-thon is planned for 10am - 3pm on Thursday March 9th.

Whether you are at the National March for Life in Ottawa, at a regional March for Life in various provinces across Canada, at work, home or school, show your support by getting the March for Life trending!

The Official March for Life Hashtag is #MarchforLife
Join in the civil rights movement of our day by your online presence! Let's make it known to our Canadian lawmakers, the media, the whole country, that the abortion issue is not settled, and we won't stay silent until every human being from the moment of conception/fertilization to natural death has full legal protection.

This year the theme is "End Female Gendercide: 'It's a girl' should not be a death sentence". Let's get this message trending!

To send your tweet to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, include @pmharper in your message.

For secondary hashtags so more people see your message, include #endfemalegendercide or #cdnpoli.

You can also join our Facebook event page for the Tweet-a-thon to indicate you'll be participating. You can also invite your Facebook friends to participate from there.