News & Analysis

Updated: Results of Labrador's federal by-election

UPDATE May 14, 2013:  Regrettably, the people of Labrador have elected the pro-abortion extremist, Liberal candidate, Yvonne Jones, in yesterday's by election.  She will be the new federal MP for the riding, joining her rabidly pro-abortion party leader, Justin Trudeau, in the House of Commons. 

With 53% voter turnout for the by election, results were:

Yvonne Jones (Liberal):                       50.7%
Peter Penashue (Conservative):          28.9%
Henry Borlase (NDP):                           20.0%


Original pre-election article below:

Do you live in the federal riding of Labrador? Or have friends who do?  Please inform them about an important federal by-election that will be held on May 13. Campaign Life Coaliition asks pro-lifers to vote for Peter Penashue, the Conservative candidate.
As your former MP, Peter has a favourable voting record in Parliament and is worthy of your support.

Peter voted YES to Motion 312 by pro-life MP Stephen Woodworth. That groundbreaking Motion  challenged parliament to study modern medical science regarding the humanity of the child in the womb.

Peter also voted against the NDP's radical "Bathroom Bill" which would invent a counterfeit legal right for men to access women's bathrooms on the basis that the man "feels" he is a woman.

The Liberal candidate, Yvonne Jones, is pro-abortion.

In 2008 she revealed her pro-abortion views, telling a newspaper journalist that she opposed Bill C-484 on the basis that it jeopardized the so-called "right to abortion". As pro-lifers, we understand that no such "right" exists.

The bill sought to criminally punish those who attack a pregnant woman with the intent of killing or injuring the child in her womb.

The NDP candidate, Harry Borlase, is also unsupportable.

The New Democrat Party's official policy is pro-abortion. All candidates who seek nomination are required to first sign a declaration affirming the pro-abortion policy.

The NDP party policy also includes forcing taxpayers to finance elective abortions with their hard-earned money.

Please help us get-out-the-vote by Sharing this page with your friends and family who may be eligible to vote in the Labrador by-election.

For more information call Margie Hynes, CLC's provincial President for Newfoundland & Labrador, at 709-279-3580.


Thank you and God bless,

Campaign Life Coalition