News & Analysis

Tell Quebecor: Canadians need a 'Fox News North'!

ATTENTION PRO-LIFERS! We need your help to influence a new, Canadian TV news channel in the hope it will give a voice to pro-life and pro-family issues. Sign and send the email letter below.

Rumour has it that the new channel by Montreal-based Quebecor, will target the untapped market of "small-c conservatives". This brings with it fresh hope that, finally, a Canadian news outlet might open the public square to a pro-life and pro-family voice. If true, this could change the cultural/political landscape in our nation which has been in the grip of the liberal elites who run Canada’s biased, mainstream media.

To sign our Action Alert and send a personalized email to the top executives of Quebecor encouraging them to fashion their upcoming 24 hour news channel in the image of social-conservative leaning FOX News, please click here.