News & Analysis

CLC in the News: TV, radio & newspaper

Published:  April 17, 2013

Campaign Life Coalition works hard to reach the broader society with the pro-life/family message. We do so, amongst other ways, via the use of mass media. Below are a few of the interviews given by CLC spokespersons over the past few weeks.

1. Moral Maze program on Sun News TV

          Latest available episodes featuring CLC's Jack Fonseca and Shantel Josee


                      April 1 - Jack Fonseca
The contraception-abortion link; Is Brain Death a scam to harvest organs?; Victoria's Secret targets teens

                          April 15 - Shantel Josee
Topics: Waitress fired at Hooters restaurant; Facebook censors video of woman with masectomy; a teacher's duplicity


2. CHRI Radio interview on National March For Life

    Watch a studio interview with Alissa Golob (April 8)

3. Winnipeg Free Press, on Assisted Suicide

Read the April 11th story in which Mary Ellen Douglas, CLC National Organizer was interviewed


4. National Post, on Motion 408

Read the March 28th article in which Jim Hughes, CLC National President is quoted