News & Analysis

International Mother's Day Walk For Life

This year, Mother's Day falls on Sunday May 12.  There are few occasions more appropriate than Mother's Day to speak out for the right to life of children in the womb.

The 35th annual International Mother's Day Walk For Life will reunite pro-lifers on both sides of the American and Canadian divide to witness on behalf of the innocent victims of abortion.

The Canadian and American groups will start to walk through the streets of Niagara Falls, ON and the city of Niagara Falls, NY, respectively. As they walk with signs and banners, they will be a pro-life witness to the local community and passersby. 

Each group will make its way to the halfway point of the Rainbow Bridge overlooking Niagara Falls. There, a beautiful ceremony will occur which involves dropping a dozen red roses off the bridge into the powerful Niagara river below.  The rose is the international symbol of the pro-life movement, but this simple action will also remind us of the countless children whose lives have been thrown away by the violence of abortion, and an uncaring society.  Keynote speaker Reverend Paul McDonald will be present to give a talk and there will be a prayer service.

The International Mother's Day Walk For Life is sponsored by Niagara Region Right to Life. For further info contact NRRTL at 905-481-0510.


• 1:00pm - prolifers gather at respective meeting locations on either side of the border

  Canadian side
American side
  St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church
Buchanan Street/Stanley Street
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Location to be announced

• 1:30 - Process to Rainbow Bridge
              -Canadian & American counterparts meet halfway on the Rainbow Bridge
              -Prayer Service, Rose dropping ceremony and keynote speech by Rev. Paul McDonald


• 2:45pm - event wraps up