News & Analysis

Stop Bill-C232 in the Senate. Say NO to radicalizing the Supreme Court!

Bill C-232, if passed, will require all future Supreme Court judges to be fully bilingual. This, of course, has the potential of tilting Supreme Court appointments towards Quebec. What's the problem with that, you ask?

Quebec is the most liberal, anti-life, anti-family province in Canada. If C-232 passes, it will, in effect, radicalize the Supreme Court even more than it is already, in favour of an anti-life agenda. Since Supreme Court judgeships are lifetime appointments, this potentially represents a serious assault against Canadian values and democracy.

It also means that Supreme Court judges will no longer be appointed based on merit, but rather, based on where they come from. The strong possibility exists therefore, that a person who is not qualified, may get the appointment.

Unfortunately, Bill C-232 already passed the House of Commons on March 31, 2010 by a narrow vote (140 - 137). It has now moved to the Senate where, if the vote passes there, it will become law. Therefore, Canadian citizens have very little time to contact their senators and lobby them to vote against this dangerous bill. According to one report, the Bill's passage or defeat may come down to the (5) independent senators who hold the balance of power.

Requiring Canadian Supreme Court Justices to be fully bilingual is NOT a small procedural change that would have minimal effect on the lives of ordinary Canadians. It would likely cause a radical shift in Canadian law and culture by ensuring that Quebec justices are more likely to advance to the Supreme Court.

Quebec culture, especially amongst the ruling elites, has a far-left, big government bias that is very different to the values found across the rest of Canada. Quebec's political, judicial and academic elites are vastly more open to judicial activism, moral relativism and Marxist ideology than you would find in any other Canadian province. Some examples to reflect upon are:

A) Quebec is the province in which a jury acquitted Henry Morgentaler in 1973 for performing illegal abortions. This set in motion a chain of events that lead to the Supreme Court striking down all the laws in Canada which protected human beings still in the womb.
B) In 2004 Quebec's Court of Appeal dismissed a prior criminal conviction against James Kouri, for keeping a common bawdy-house under s. 210(1) of the federal Criminal Code. Kouri operated a sex club in which public orgies and group sex were conducted. This Quebec ruling resulted in the legalization of public orgies and group sex, with children as young as 14, across the rest of Canada.
C) In a totalitarian move, Quebec's provincial government demanded that all school children take a mandatory course in moral relativism, under the guise of it being a Religions course. Its content contradicts and undermines Christianity. Yet, the government ordered that all Catholic and private schools must still teach it. Even more shocking, is the fact that very few Quebec parents protested against this violation of their rights.

It can almost be said that every immoral piece of legislation in Canada, first came out of Quebec. Should we be wary about giving Quebec lawyers and judges even more power to rule over the rest of Canada? Yes, we ought to have a serious problem with this.

If Senators pass Bill C-232, they are unwittingly voting to transform the top Canadian court into a left-wing machine with extreme views. That machine will eagerly legislate from the bench for the next few decades, usurping the power which belongs solely to Parliament.

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