News & Analysis

Unborn baby photo goes viral around the world

On December 26, 2012 Alicia Atkins posted a picture on her Facebook of her daughter reaching out from her womb, during a C-section delivery and grabbing the doctor's finger.  This awe-inspiring photo which captures the magical moment of this child's first, direct interaction with the outside world has gone viral on the internet, being shared over 15,000 times on Facebook as of this writing. It has been covered by mainstream media around the world, including The Star, Globe & Mail, CTV, CBC and Sun TV.

This photo is powerful from a pro-life perspective because it humanizes the "fetus" which has been unjustly dehumanized by the abortion industry and pro-abortion politicians. It makes plain before one's eyes that the child in the womb is indeed a person, possessing human dignity and moral worth. Of course, pro-lifers understand that the unborn child is fully human and deserving of full legal protection from the time of conception. 

Hopefully, many Canadians will see this picture and  it will help move them towards a pro-life perspective. Especially if they learn that in Canada, this baby girl could have been killed, with government approval, right up until the moment she fully emerged from her mother's body.  Please Like and share the Facebook posting after clicking the image below.