News & Analysis

Wrapping up the Justin Trudeau Catholic School Scandal in Sudbury

Local pro-life Catholic ratepayers in Sudbury Ontario were assisted by Campaign Life Coalition, and its Campaign Life Catholics division, in drawing national attention to the scandal of St. Charles College Catholic High School scheduling its students to hear a talk by the rabidly pro-abortion, anti-Catholic, Liberal leadership hopeful, Justin Trudeau. The talk was scheduled for Friday December 21, 2012 and protests were planned as soon as this news was discovered.

For 4 days straight, faithful Sudbury Catholics protested outside the school board office and the high school itself, witnessing to the potential for spiritual harm that could befall Catholic children by giving a public platform to a man who publicly and aggressively attacks fundamental Catholic moral teachings. 

We are pleased to report that although the school board did not cancel the pro-abortion advocate's talk, nonetheless, a storm warning kept more than 900 students away from Justin Trudeau's spiritually toxic influence. The school had planned to pack the amphitheatre with 1000 students, but fewer than 100 actually showed up -- thanks be to God!

Below is a summary of key newspaper and TV coverage including Sun News, CTV, Macleans and a variety of newspapers. This large amount of media attention helped get out the pro-life message and warned the Catholic community about the spiritual danger of giving platforms and honours to public figures who undermine Christian teaching. This is an area of concern that has been neglected for years, including by many church leaders.


1. The Sudbury Star, "Trudeau a Bad Example, Says Activist",  Dec 21, 2012. 
See below headline and a great photo from the newspaper.. To read the entire article, click the photo.


2. Sun News TV interview with Michael Coren and CLC's Jack Fonseca   (please Like and share this video)

3. Sudbury Star, Dec 20, “Abortion Opponents Protest Trudeau Visit

4. CTV Northern Ontario, Dec 19 -- watch

5. The Tyee, BC political news service, Dec 19, “Anti-choice group wants 'Heretic' Justin Trudeau banned from speaking

6. CTV Northern Ontario, Dec 18 -- watch

7. Macleans, Dec 18, “Who is Justin Trudeau Angering Now?"


Send us tips about other scandals

If you hear about other Catholic schools giving platforms or honours to Justin Trudeau or to other so-called "Catholic" politicians who publicly advocate for the legal killing of children in the womb, please let us know by sending the details to [email protected].  We will do our best to inform and mobilize local ratepayers against the scandal to the faith of their children.