News & Analysis

Urgent appeal letter

From:  Jim Hughes, CLC National President

Dear Pro-lifer,

Despite the trials and tribulations faced by Campaign Life Coalition over the years and the tremendous effort we have made across the country and abroad, our supporters are stronger and more determined then ever to restore a Culture of Life to Canada.
Writing an Urgent Appeal letter is always a daunting task for me personally. I much prefer not having to write such letters. The decision to do so is always taken after all other avenues have been tried and exhausted.
Composing these periodic special appeals seems to go with the task of leading a national non-profit organization that is not allowed to issue tax receipts, is seen by many as dealing with issues that are too “controversial” and is determined to take critically needed actions on behalf of of life and family that often no one else is willing or able to do.
It is absolutely crucial to convey to you, who provide the resources: spiritual, educational, political and monetary, that our backs are to the wall once again, because donations have dropped off significantly.
We understand many of the reasons why, in the current economic climate, it is difficult for some to earmark regular or sacrificial donations to help us elect politicians who will stop the killing of children before birth, to prevent society’s slide downhill to infanticide and euthanasia and to protect the family from the myriad attacks on our fundamental rights.
Everything costs more these days and it seems more difficult to get the message out, although our CLC News and The Interim and partners are doing yeoman service to the public.
There have been many successes, but they are not always apparent, because of the more visible depth of the continuing general moral and cultural meltdown in Canada. Still, I can assure you CLC is having a constant, major influence to the extent that this is possible.
CTV interview with Jim HughesOur recent National March for Life in Ottawa, provincial Marches across the country, Life Chain and 40 Days for Life have all taken the message directly to the public, that all human life is worthy of protection. This year, the National March for Life has been an especially huge success, with more positive national media coverage than ever before. (To watch one of the interviews on CTV, click the image to the right.)
At the core of all our efforts is prayer and a total reliance on God to carry us through whatever extra burdens are placed upon us, from time to time.
Far from having social peace on the abortion issue, the whole G8 initiatives of the federal government to assist women and children in the Third World have at least opened the debate.
Never before, in recent years has an opportunity presented itself which allows all of us to engage discussion with our relatives, friends, co-workers and neighbours about the real needs facing people today and none of these ‘needs’ includes the killing of children before birth.
Aside from the huge moral question is the underlying realization that abortion threatens to kill the future of our country and our way of life.
Many in Parliament have unsuccessfully attempted to highjack the G8 goals and objectives and it remains to be seen how this will play out on the world stage, but Campaign life Coalition has been in the battle from day one, reinforcing the government’s positive initiative and communicating with our pro-life and family counterparts, throughout the world, to encourage their governments to support Canada’s Maternal Health Care initiative.
We have been here for over 30 years, representing your views on life and family. A recent editorial in the Catholic Register states in part “that Campaign Life Coalition is Canada’s most respected pro-life organization.”
A large portion of our success has been, that being on the front lines of this struggle since the 70s, we have not given in, backed up or lessened our efforts one iota.
And as always, you prayers are sought and greatly appreciated.
Please pray for the success of this appeal.
Yours for Life,
Jim Hughes,
National President,
Campaign Life Coalition