
Conservative Party of Canada - National Policy Convention

Starts: August 23, 2018
Ends: August 25, 2018
Where: Halifax, NS

Campaign Life Coalition needs 1,000 pro-life/pro-family supporters from all over the country to commit to attending the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) National Policy Convention as delegates.

The National Policy Convention presents pro-life-and-family CPC members with an invaluable opportunity to vote in favour of important socially conservative policy resolutions.

At the 2016 convention, our delegates helped pass a policy condemnating sex-selective abortion, and another which supports legislation to protect health care workers’ conscience rights so they are not compelled to participate in, nor refer patiets, for abortions or euthanasia. These were exciting and pivotal accomplishment for social conservatives, and we need to build on them at the 2018 convention!

But in order to participate at the convention as a delegate, you'll need to ensure that your CPC membership is up to date. Purchase or renew your CPC membership now.

Once you've become a CPC member, please keep an eye out for notice of the “Delegate Selection Meeting” from your local CPC Electoral District Association (EDA). Then attend that meeting and put your name forward to become a delegate to the Halifax convention.

Most if not all of the convention costs related to travel, hotel, and meals are usually covered by EDAs, which normally give delegates an amount to provide for those expenses. And while there is a convention fee that you, as a delegate, must pay to the CPC, you get 75% of that back when you next do your income taxes.

If you're ready to make the commitment, please RSVP to Campaign Life below and tell that you’re planning to attend the National Policy Convention next August to help us make the CPC platform more pro-life, pro-family, and pro-faith than it has been in a generation!

God bless you.

- Include yourself