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Compare the candidates for English Public School Trustee

Compare your English Public School Trustee Candidates in the upcoming (or last) election. Click on a candidate to view a side-by-side comparison of the candidates' responses to CLC's election questionnaire

Number to Elect: 7
School Board Ward/District Trustee CLC Rating Status Election Year
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Barry Neufeld green Pro-life, pro-parental rights Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Darren Ollinger green Pro-parental rights Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Heather Maahs green Pro-parental rights Incumbent 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Kaethe Jones green Pro-parental rights Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Darrell Furgason green Pro-parental rights Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Elliott Friesen green Pro-parental rights Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Richard Procee green Pro-parental rights Incumbent 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Lewis Point amber Potentially supportable Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Brian VanGarderen red Pro-LGBT ideology Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Teri Westerby red Pro-LGBT ideology Incumbent 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Margaret Reid red Pro-LGBT ideology Incumbent 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Greg Nelmes red Not supportable Candidate 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large David Swankey red Anti-parental rights, pro-LGBT ideology Incumbent 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Willow Reichelt red Anti-parental rights, pro-LGBT ideology Incumbent 2022
Chilliwack School District (SD33) At large Carin Bondar red Pro-LGBT ideology Incumbent 2022

View a side-by-side comparison of their responses to CLC's election questionnaire
