Posted on: May 8, 2013 @ 3:01am By: Kerrie Sameul
Allow me to tell you why I decided to travel to the March For Life, all the way from reservation land in Manitoba, and how I view the abortion issue from the perspective of a First Nations aboriginal woman.
Posted on: April 26, 2013 @ 3:23am By: Jack Fonseca
Witness testimony of beheadings and neck-snipping performed by Gosnell to murder 100+ children who were born alive after failed abortions, is revealing the correlation between legal abortion and infanticide.
The Gosnell trial is relevant to recent allegations that acts of infanticide on children who survive abortion are rampant in Canadian hospitals and private abortion facilities. In January, Conservative MPs Maurice Vellacott, Leon Benoit and Wladyslaw Lizon...
The Gosnell trial is relevant to recent allegations that acts of infanticide on children who survive abortion are rampant in Canadian hospitals and private abortion facilities. In January, Conservative MPs Maurice Vellacott, Leon Benoit and Wladyslaw Lizon...
Posted on: March 14, 2013 @ 4:53am By: Jack Fonseca
No, the title is not a joke.
Eliminating taxpayer funding for abortions that are not medically necessary is a political position that’s more popular amongst Ontarians than is the Liberal Party, the NDP or Tim Hudak’s PCs. So says a recent AngusReid opinion poll.
AngusReid released its latest abortion opinion poll results on January 28, 2013, timed to coincide with the 25th “anniversary” of the Morgentaler ruling which threw out Canada’s previous abortion law.
Eliminating taxpayer funding for abortions that are not medically necessary is a political position that’s more popular amongst Ontarians than is the Liberal Party, the NDP or Tim Hudak’s PCs. So says a recent AngusReid opinion poll.
AngusReid released its latest abortion opinion poll results on January 28, 2013, timed to coincide with the 25th “anniversary” of the Morgentaler ruling which threw out Canada’s previous abortion law.
Posted on: February 12, 2013 @ 8:00am By: Jim Hughes
After presiding over the deaths of over sixty thousand children in the wombs of their mothers, Dr. Nathanson who was then studying fetology at New York’s St. Luke’s hospital, came to the realization that when a woman was pregnant, he (the doctor) had not one but two patients.
Now, it would seem to me, that every “Joe Lunch pail” and “Mary Washerwoman” (my own background) knows that a child becomes a
Now, it would seem to me, that every “Joe Lunch pail” and “Mary Washerwoman” (my own background) knows that a child becomes a
Posted on: January 10, 2013 @ 10:45am By: Jack Fonseca
I never knew there was a “responsible” way to kill babies. That is, until I read Joyce Arthur’s recent article where she gushes over the upcoming 25-year anniversary of the Morgentaler ruling when the Supreme Court struck down Canada’s laws…
I now realize that Canada’s mass killing of millions of children in-utero is actually “responsible abortion care”.
I now realize that Canada’s mass killing of millions of children in-utero is actually “responsible abortion care”.
Posted on: December 20, 2012 @ 3:40am By: Oliver Capko
The recent censorship and discrimination faced by our pro-life student club at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia was a challenging but important learning experience. It taught us and many others who followed the situation that all pro-life activists must stand up for their beliefs and the rights of the unborn, using all available tools – including legal ones.
Posted on: October 7, 2012 @ 9:02am By: Jack Fonseca
Over the past year, Ontarians have been inundated with media allegations about an “epidemic” of gay teens being bullied in school and this is the reason why every high school, including Catholic ones, must have Gay-Straight Alliances. However, hard data did not support this claim, and in fact, legitimate studies show that the #1 cause of bullying in schools is body size/shape. The media also claimed, without any hard data whatsoever to back it, that there is an epidemic of same-sex attracted youth taking their lives as a result of the “homophobic bullying” supposedly rampant in schools. If one reads between the lines, those ultimately responsible for this gay suicide ‘epidemic’ are - wait for it – Christians, of course.
Posted on: September 26, 2012 @ 12:38pm By: Jack Fonseca
You know how sometimes you see a funny coincidence and you wonder if it’s a sign from heaven? Well, today is the first day of the 40 Days For Life campaign. Is it a sign from heaven that Motion 312’s vote got scheduled on the same day as the opening of this campaign of prayer and fasting to end abortion?
Posted on: August 30, 2012 @ 8:56am By: Patrick Craine
The date is set: On Sept. 26th Woodworth’s motion to reconsider the humanity of the unborn child faces a decisive vote. If it gets 50% of MPs behind it, then it moves to committee. If not then it dies.
So now’s the time for a final push to lobby our MPs, and get friends and family to do the same.
So now’s the time for a final push to lobby our MPs, and get friends and family to do the same.
Posted on: August 16, 2012 @ 11:49am By: Matt Wojciechowski
The Canadian Medical Association, an organization representing more than 76,000 Canadian physicians, recently re-affirmed their pro-abortion mantra at their annual council meeting on Wednesday, August 15th, 2012, in Yellowknife, N.W.T., by officially opposing MP Stephen Woodworth’s Motion 312