CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Did they ban the LGBT books in the WCDSB?

At the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) meeting held Monday January 27, a courageous Catholic ratepayer, Ms. Theresa Rose, delegated against the huge trove of LGBT propaganda books that were recently discovered in the library of Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School.

These books expose young children to images and information about transvestite Drag Queensboys passionately kissingboys wanting to “sleep” with other boysmen dressed in leather bondage gear and LGBT Pride parades.

About a dozen parents and grandparents responded to CLC’s call-to-action and sat in the gallery to show moral support to the delegation, and also to demonstrate their opposition to the LGBT books. An equal number of LGBT activists were present.

ABOVE: WCDSB meeting Jan. 27, 2025.

Ms. Rose heavily criticized the WCDSB’s lack of fidelity to Jesus Christ and implored them to remove all inappropriate reading materials.

We need to understand what direction you are going with this continuing pushing of ideologies that don't align with the Catholic faith,” she said to Trustees. “If you advocate that sin is okay, parents need to know so they can protect the faith of their children.

No one has that right to show or teach anything that opposes the faith in a Catholic School,” she insisted. “Children have the right to be innocent. Adults don't have a right to take that innocence away.

Unfortunately, trustees didn’t ask Ms. Rose any follow-up questions.

Nor did they engage in any discussion or debate about the controversial books.

It seems some trustees are hoping they can just ignore this scandal, and that concerned parents eventually forget about it and go away. We can’t let that happen!

Furthermore, I’m disappointed that only one individual came to delegate on January 27th after we called upon every parent, grandparent and concerned citizen in our database to apply. C’mon folks, we can do better!

We need multiple people, from any walk of life, to step forward and delegate at the next Board meeting, on February 24th at 6 PM. Be they parents, grandparents, non-Catholics with children in the WCDSB, uncles, aunts, students, alumni, Godparents, priests, deacons, religious sisters, –- all of these different voices are needed!

We must increase pressure until trustees agree to remove the illicit books. But how to achieve that objective?

We need to have a larger number of delegates speaking out against the anti-Christian reading materials at the next meeting and force them to address the problem.

Let me be very specific about what we need delegates to do...

At the board meeting, we need people who will read out loud from any of the sexual propaganda books in question, as part of their delegation speech. If possible, withdraw the book from a local library and hold it up from the podium during your speech so trustees can see it. If you can’t get a copy of the book, print out the cover and the page you’re reading from. Let’s make it real to these elected Catholic officials.

I believe that when Trustees are confronted with the content of the book, audially and visually, they won’t be able to ignore that this is a serious attack on the Christian faith in WCDSB schools.

To register as a delegate, you must email Stephanie Medeiros at [email protected]. If you’d like to delegate, but you aren’t sure what’s involved, please contact me by email and I or one of my staff will call you back.

Inspiration from the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board

Do you feel like the challenge I’m issuing to K-W and Cambridge parents is too big? That victory is impossible?

Well, I want to assure you that it’s very possible. In fact, I’ll give you the proof...

The very next night, on Tuesday January 28th at a meeting of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board which covers the area of Mississauga and Brampton, the pro-LGBT teachers union was running a pressure campaign asking trustees to fly the Pride flag this coming June, since the board isn’t currently flying it.

They even brought Ontario’s "lesbian" former Premier, Kathleen Wynne, to delegate, expecting that her star power would sway trustees to vote Yes.

Well, Christian resistance mobilized. Prayers were sent up to heaven, and over 100 faithful Catholic and non-Catholic parents attended the meeting to oppose the Pride flag.

Numerous parents as well as a CLC staffer, delegated powerfully against the motion.

Not only did trustees ignore Katheen Wynne and the woke teachers union, but one of the faithful Catholic trustees actually introduced an amendment to also ban LGBT Pride flags inside DPCDSB schools!

The amendment ended up passing 9 to 1 in favour of banning the Pride flag inside schools. So now, it’s banned outside and inside every Dufferin-Peel Catholic school! Praise be to God.

If it can happen in Dufferin-Peel, it can happen in Waterloo Region. We just need more parents and stakeholders to put their shoulder to the wheel. So please prayerfully consider delegating at the February 24th meeting and let us know if you’ll do it.

To register as a delegate, simply contact Stephanie Medeiros at [email protected]. If you’d like to do it, but you aren’t sure about what’s involved, reply to this email and we can talk about it.

Ask Bishop Crosby to end his silence and make a statement

ABOVE: Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, OMI (Source:

Besides the parents coming out in force in Dufferin-Peel, and in addition to the delegations, there was one other factor that was pivotal in the DPCDSB trustees’ overwhelming vote to ban the LGBT Pride flag inside and outside its schools.

That was the fact that their local diocesan bishop, His Eminence Frank Cardinal Leo, issued a statement against having the LGBT “Pride” flag. That statement was read out to trustees by a Delegate, and it made a huge impact.

Moved by the Cardinal’s words, and by the Grace of God, the trustees voted correctly!

This means only one thing: We have to get our local Bishop involved. Please, contact The Most Reverend Douglas Crosby right away to respectfully request that he issue a statement condemning the books that were found at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Elementary School.

Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, OMI
Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton
905-528-7988 Ext. 2222
Send Email via web form

Woke Director of Education announces early retirement!

Finally, I want to close on a positive note.

The board’s woke, pro-LGBT Director of Education, Tyrone Dowling, announced he’s retiring early. He’ll be gone in August, thanks be to God.

This is fantastic news because he brought so much sin into our schools and our children's minds that it has felt like spiritual terrorism unleashed on the Catholic community.

While I can’t prove it, I feel that his sudden, early retirement, at such a young age, is due to the pressure that faithful Catholics and other concerned citizens have been putting on him over the past couple of years. From the Wendy Ashby scandal, to his involvement in a $300,000 LGBT book buy, to Trustee Kathy Doherty-Master’s financial conflict of interest debacle.

All of these scandals happened under his watch, and each time, the ratepayers called him and the woke trustees involved out. Let's count this as a win, shall we?

Please also pray that a true Catholic will be hired as Dowling's replacement.

