CLC Blog

CLC Blog

Tired of seeing “pride” flags in Barrhead?

Did you know that, starting tomorrow, you and other Barrhead residents have an incredible opportunity to ban the controversial LGBT “pride” flag from being displayed on municipal property in your home town?

The Council of Barrhead recently approved holding a citizen referendum on a new by-law that would, in effect, prevent that symbol of sexual sin from being flown on any municipally-owned facility, like the town hall, recreational centres, libraries, and administrative offices.

The regulation would also make it illegal to paint the controversial LGBTQ rainbow flag on the town's crosswalks.

These crosswalk take-overs are a trend being pushed by woke city councillors across the country, without any respect at all for the many Christians, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs and people of other faiths who don't want their children exposed to that sexual-political symbol.

Now, you have a chance to keep them off your crosswalks and buildings!

This proposed legislation is titled the Neutral Space Bylaw, and it was drafted after a local group started an official petition to ensure government "neutrality" on municipal property, which means no longer flying the LGBT Pride flag.

Well, as it turns out, they collected enough signatures, and, according to the Municipal Government Act, the town council is required to organize a referendum allowing Barrhead citizens to vote on this citizen-led bylaw which, if passed, would ban the controversial LGBT symbol.

So, here’s our chance!

It’s like getting an early Christmas present, but we need your help to make it happen.

Whether or not this by-law passes is a decision that’ll be made directly by the people in a plebiscite that’s set for Monday, December 2nd.

Who is eligible to vote?

Anyone who is at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen, and lives in Barrhead as of the date of the plebiscite.

Voting will take place on December 2nd, between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm, at the Barrhead Seniors Drop-in Centre located at 5437 49 Street. (Click here for directions.)

To help accommodate everyone, advanced polling is taking place on Wednesday, November 20th, and Thursday, November 28th, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Town of Barrhead Council Chambers, which are located at the Barrhead Administration Office at 5014 50 Ave. (Click here for directions.).

If you’re a patient at a hospital, or if you reside at a care facility and have difficulty getting around, you can still cast a ballot. Here’s a list of locations for Institutional Voting Stations:

  • Barrhead Healthcare Centre
  • Keir Care
  • Shepherd's Care
  • Hillcrest
  • Jubilee Manor
  • Golden Crest
  • Klondike Place

Please note: You must be a resident of Barrhead to participate in this plebiscite. So, any hospital patients, for example, who are from out of town will not be allowed to vote.

If you have any questions about taking part in the December 2nd plebiscite, please click here.


The pro-family movement has a real chance here to show the “powers that be” where the community stands on this issue.

It’s not just about politics, though, and “getting a win” …

This is about souls and sovereignty.

The LGBT “pride” flag is not only a symbol of indoctrination, it’s a sign of dominion and conquest by LGBT activists. It signals that Christians and people of other faiths must submit to the ideology, and pay it homage, or else be crushed.

Please know that Barrhead residents have a real shot at victory with this plebiscite vote.

Back in February, residents in the Town of Westlock successfully passed a similar by-law, via plebiscite, to prohibit all non-governmental flags from being flown on municipal property and to ban its crosswalks from being painted in the LGBT propaganda colours.

If they can do it there, Barrhead can do it, too!

Please drag all your Christian friends and relatives out to vote YES as well.

The Westlock vote was very close, so every single vote is needed to ensure that government property is neutral, and does not promote controversial ideologies that are offensive to many of its citizens.

If we hope to change hearts and minds, we must seize golden opportunities like this one.

Let us also ground our activism in prayer because without God’s help, and without acknowledging that Christ is King and reigns over everything, our efforts will never bear good fruit.

