CLC Blog

CLC Blog

A woke DEI judge delivered the blow

Last week, we reported that the Court of Appeals of Ontario dismissed TCDSB Trustee Mike Del Grande’s appeal.

He had asked the court to overturn a “misconduct” charge and extreme sanctions by his school board, for having objected to adding “Gender Identity” and “Gender Expression” as protected classes in the Toronto Catholic board’s code of conduct policy.

Today, I want to share with you what I believe is the main reason for the negative ruling against Del Grande... It wasn’t that his arguments weren’t strong enough. Nor, that the law and the constitution weren’t on his side.

I sincerely believe it’s because the judge who wrote the biased 20-page ruling for the three-judge panel, was a woke, DEI activist. I think she disliked Trustee Del Grande’s Christian beliefs, and that’s why she ruled against him.

Meet the Hon. Justice Sally Gomery.

What do we know about Justice Gomery that leads us to believe she had a left-wing, anti-Christian bias?

First of all, her bio page on the Court of Appeal’s website says that she’s the judge who “spearheaded initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion to all the other judges on the court. So, she’s an activist. And, as we all know, promoting LGBT ideology is a main preoccupation of the DEI crowd.

Secondly, Gomery was appointed by Justin Trudeau in 2017, whom we know personally screens judicial nominees to ensure fealty to Liberal orthodoxy and ensure no conservatives end up on the bench.

Finally, she clerked under the supervision of former Supreme Court Justice Claire L’Heureux-Dubé, a leading feminist, judicial activist and early backer of the LGBTQ agenda.

I believe that Justice Gomery’s “progressive” DEI views and disdain for Michael’s Catholic beliefs about human sexuality influenced her decision. This is evidenced by the poor reasoning and glaring contradictions in her written decision.

During her questioning of Mike’s defense lawyer, she was quite hostile, taking several opportunities to disagree with the legal principles and constitutional issues he raised.

In contrast, she was much more accommodating with the TCDSB’s lawyer, even when he diverged from making legal arguments into making irrelevant, emotion-based, character assassination attacks against Mike, basically accusing him of being a “bad person” for supposedly offending LGBT activists.

In our next report, I’ll expose the horribly flawed and self-contradicted reasoning from Gomery’s decision.

In the meantime, our crowdfunding campaign is still $84,000 short of the $100,000 necessary to cover the legal costs for Del Grande to be able to appeal this biased decision to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Will you ensure Trustee Del Grande has the legal funds necessary to take this case to the Supreme Court of Canada, with a generous donation of $100, $500 or even $1,000?

There, his legal counsel believes he has a real shot at victory. Such a win would be valuable for the cause of religious freedom for Catholic schools and freedom of speech for elected municipal politicians.

Any donation amount is appreciated for our brave Christian warrior. If the Supreme Court does not agree to hear his appeal, the funds raised will be used to pay the cost awards and outstanding legal bills.

Please pray for Trustee Del Grande... and for Canada's justice system to deliver true justice.

