CLC Blog

CLC Blog

The Summer Students Trudeau Won’t Fund

With summer now in full swing, our 2024 Internship Program is well underway, and I want to tell you about our nine wonderful interns who are hard at work, but first ...

We need your help in a big way.

We’ve only reached about 50% of our Summer Internship fundraising goal and July is almost over.

As you probably know, the Trudeau government continues to deny subsidies for any student jobs affiliated with pro-lifers, blatantly discriminating against summer programs unwilling to cooperate with its pro-abortion agenda.

That’s why CLC's Summer Internship Program relies entirely on the generosity of its donors.

If you’ve given already, thank you kindly, but if you haven’t, please consider making a donation to ensure that we can pay our interns a dignified wage until the end of the summer.

This isn’t like one of those stereotypical internships where the students are given loads of “busy work.”

Our tight-knit team has been a massive help in advancing Campaign Life Coalition’s numerous projects such as building up our elections database and laying the ground work for future voter’s guides, researching and writing articles for The Interim newspaper, creating social media content, writing blogs, organizing Life Chain, street activism including "Choice Chain", visiting crisis pregnancy centres to learn about their life-saving ministries, and even hosting a CLC Youth movie night to build community with local pro-life youth.

CLC intern Nathalia and others were interviewed by Rebel News and True North in front of the Toronto Courthouse, helping to generate national news and awareness about the unjust incarceration of pro-life prisoner of conscience Linda Gibbons. Pictured above from left to right: Gideon, Nathalia, Jabari, and Matthew.

This past Monday, our team of interns also got to participate in a historic bail hearing for Linda Gibbons, the pro-life heroine who was recently arrested and jailed again for witnessing to life outside of a Toronto-area abortion mill.

Not only did they help organize the rally outside the courthouse in Toronto where the hearing was taking place, they also packed the courtroom to show their solidarity with Linda.

For most of the interns, this was their first courtroom experience, and seeing Linda in handcuffs, escorted by security in and out of the room has left a lasting impression on them.

They are determined to stand with Linda all the way through.

Every week, as part of their street activism, CLC interns join Hamilton Against Abortion’s “Choice Chain” to educate the public about the horrible reality of abortion. From left to right: Sophia, Leire, Luka, and Angelica.

Recently, the interns also had the opportunity to visit the Haldimand Pregnancy Care and Family Centre and learned about their life-affirming services for women and families in crisis, along with their resources for those in need of material, physical, and emotional support.

The interns also tended to the centre’s beautiful garden in remembrance of aborted children and those lost to stillbirths or miscarriages.

It was immensely meaningful for them to work on this tangible reminder of the sanctity of life through the memorial garden.

LEFT: The CLC interns hard at work in HPCFC’s memorial garden. RIGHT: The interns with Carol Butler, the centre’s executive director.

What’s more, the interns have been involved in spreading awareness of the grim truth of abortion by planning and hosting a screening of Abby Johnson’s newest film, Unthinkable.

It was a successful networking event with a great turnout of youth who expressed interest in getting more involved in the pro-life cause after seeing the movie.

CLC Youth screening of Abby Johnson’s film Unthinkable along with a trivia game created and hosted by one of the interns.

Not only have they been helping educate others, but through the weekly seminars with pro-life leaders and training from their supervisors, the interns have been able to learn about the various branches of the movement and truly engage themselves in defending life and the family.

The CLC internship is truly unlike any other summer program out there.

Here’s what some of our interns have to say about their experiences so far:

“So far, I have really enjoyed the internship at CLC. I have learned so much about the history of the pro-life movement as well as always learning about current pro-life issues. CLC is an amazing place to work, and I am so grateful I get to work with other individuals who work tirelessly to make our country pro-life again.” - Sophia

“Being an Intern for CLC has been such a joy. Every day, I get to enter into a wonderful environment with people who inspire me to be of service to the cause of the preborn. I've also been able to make friends with like-minded and determined people who show me the importance of fraternity amongst other members committed to this movement. I'm excited to see what the rest of my summer being an intern has in store!” - Jabari

“I learned that there is a lot of work behind the scenes for us to know who the pro-life candidates are so that we can support them. It has helped me appreciate websites such as CLC's where information about political candidates' stance on social issues is available in one spot. My favorite part is being in the office with the other interns and seeing how we are all working on different areas of the movement. Thank you CLC for this rewarding opportunity.” - Leire

“Whether it be updating the elections database, preparing materials for Life Chain, creating graphics for CLCY, or writing articles for The Interim, my time in the internship program has been a distinct honour and I'm very proud to say that I could have a part in making a meaningful contribution to Canada's premier pro-life, pro-family organization.” - Gideon

These testimonies reflect my own formative experience interning the past two summers.

As a former intern, I am blessed this summer to assist CLC Youth Coordinators Maeve and Kim in helping to oversee the program.

And to think: None of this could have happened without all the generous donors that make this program possible.

Right now, though, as I mentioned earlier, we’re still short of our intern fundraising goal.

We’re approaching 50% of the $75,000 we need.

So far, we’ve brough in $36,708 in donations via LifeFunder, through the mail, and by phone.

So, if you’re able to chip in with $10, $50, or even $100, that would go a long way and mean a lot to us students.

Prayers are also impactful, and we’re grateful for all your continued prayers for our team. Everything, whether a prayer or a donation, is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our mission.

For life,

Rain Tolentino
Assistant Youth and Internship Program Coordinator

